Hope the sun and the surf is not too much trouble for ya - im so pleased youve finally found paradise
we r finally on email on home so no excuses for posting lots of messages
hope the hurricane hasnt hit you yet, i had to convince grandma at the weekend that you were nowhere near
school is better for leah she has settled in now! she brought home her first reading book home today she has drawn you lots of pictures for when you come back lbethany is speaking more so she is not as frustrating as she has been
keith is running the family empire at the moment so is busy but hopefully we can spoil him at the weekend it is birthday
anyway must go cos leah wants to write something
aun t emma mummy keith and leah bethany love you very much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi just a quick note before I start my weekend. Dad's gone on his annual diving holiday this morning, you'd think he was going for a month instead of 4 days if you'd seen how the car was packed. It's a good job we've just changed our car, he would never have got everything in the old one. Hope you're still having fun in Hawaii, it looks really nice from the postcard, can't wait to see your pictures. Have to go it's nearly five o'clock weekend calls. Keep having fun lots of love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Emma,
Well, I can only presume that we've had no picture updates for a while because you are having so much fun in Hawaii that you haven't had the time. Euey and I booked our next holiday last week. We're going to Egypt for one week - all inclusive in the sun - can't wait. Hope all is well with you and Ali. Take care. Robx
Hi Girls
Missing us yet? No I thought not...you look to be having a fabulous time all that sand! Thought I would check in to say hello. We spent time in Edinburgh for the fireworks, it was a very busy place and the natives were very unfriendly in the pub when England scored against Wales! Everyone here is OK, I couldn't persuade Jimmy to have a party for his 60th...'nuff said, James is mending but still wearing a sling, Tom appears to be growing his hair...anyway I must be off now, some of us have work to do, carry on having a great time.
Take care both of you.
Love Veronica xxxxx
Hi Em
Hope everything is Ok and you are enjoying Hawaii ,we are all fine. Have you managed to get your surfing lessons yet? Took Leah and Bethany Bowling at the weekend, its a bit embarrassing when you get beaten by a four year old. I think next time I'll hide the ramp. The boys start there european campaign tomorrow night, hope you get to watch it, I'll text you the score anyway. Drew against Spurs at the weekend, got no strikeforce I think Morientes is another Heskey he always seems to be on the floor. Should have bought Micheal when we had the chance instead of letting him go to Newcastle. I think you will probably need to sit down for my next news, Eugene has actually got his own email address. Now we just have to get him to use it. I have sent your bankcard up to Alis parent so they can bring it out to New Zealand when you meet up with them. Anyway got to go work calls .
Missing you lots of love mum xxxxxxx
Keith And The Girls
hi em
so sorry i havent spoke for a while but now back at school so should get on the website more often
i havent looked at your pics yet but cant wait (im free later on in the day!)
lots to tell, house is coming on well doing the drive and garden at the moment
we have 2 new additions to the family cookie and fudge keith relented and bought the girls 2 guinea pigs leah iin her element and bethany has stopped trying to eat them
hope you are not being affected by the hurricane a sad situation all round
anyway got to go on duty it was just a quickie english football is dire but cricket is great
new challenge find the birdman from alctraz!!!!!!!
love you miss you take care
ps will you be back by april 30th
Hi Emma, Where are you now? I think you're either in LA or sunning it in Hawaii by now. Either way, I'm probably going to be insanely jealous so don't feel you have to tell me! Well, we've just had the bank holiday weekend here and the weather was actually really good. Went to the pub on Sunday with our friends Alex and Graham and watched the football and Cricket (Man U vs Newcastle and the ashes) and we told your brother he wasn't allowed to leave the pub till England had won. He wasn't impressed! The weekend before your parents were down and we went to see Billy Elliot the Musical - which was EXCELLENT. We also did some bowling, well Euey tried to bowl, except he was so drunk I think he kept seeing two lanes and about 30 pins - needless to say he lost badly!!! Having a few teething problems with my broadband on my pc at home, but once I've sorted them, Euey has said that he'll send you an email (Can you believe it!!!) Anyway, I hope you're still having fun. Take care. Robx
Hi Em its me again
Just seen the pictures of you sand boarding they look great, but think I'll stick to snow, it looks less dangerous. Went to the races Thursday with Michelle & Keith, had a great day out, weather was really hot, not all of them winners but the champagne made up for it. Went to London Friday for the weekend to see Eugene & Rob, weather was a bit iffy but we still had a great time. They took us bowling Friday night, eugene was rather the worse for wear so you can tell what his bowling was like, spent most of the weekend telling us how good he usually is. Billy Elliott was fantastic, you'll have to see it when you get home. Back to work today, bored!! Weekends are just not long enough, anyway better look as though I am actually working. Talk soon , missing you love mum xxxxxx
Hi Em its me again
Just seen the pictures of you sand boarding they look great, but think I'll stick to snow, it looks less dangerous. Went to the races Thursday with Michelle & Keith, had a great day out, weather was really hot, not all of them winners but the champagne made up for it. Went to London Friday for the weekend to see Eugene & Rob, weather was a bit iffy but we still had a great time. They took us bowling Friday night, eugene was rather the worse for wear so you can tell what his bowling was like, spent most of the weekend telling us how good he usually is. Billy Elliott was fantastic, you'll have to see it when you get home. Back to work today, bored!! Weekends are just not long enought, anyway better look as though I am actually working. Talk soon , missing you love mum xxxxxx
Hi Em
Just a quick message hope you are still having fun, and weather OK, it's done nothing but rain for the last few days, went to see Michelle and the terrible twosome on Thursday, had a good day out. Leah is looking after one of the neighbours pets while they are on holiday, she is in absolute heavan. Managed to win my golf friday but only just. In the Final now, I wonder if it will go like one night in Istanbul, you never know. Season started Saturday with a draw against Middlesborough, hope for better things to come. Not doing much today its raining probably have to go for a drink you know how it is. Busy week coming up going to the races on Thursday and then down to London for the weekend to see Eugene & Rob. That about all my news for this week. Pictures look great, keep them coming. Missing you talk soon. Love Mum xxxxx
Hi Emma,
Just seen the latest installments of photo's. They look great - especially Machu Picchu. I can't believe they're shutting it down in 2 years time. I've downloaded them to my laptop so will take them home for your brother to have a look. Hope you're still having a good time? Not long now till you can buy Harry Potter - it is excellent by the way! Take care. Robx
Hi Ali - Got rid of Sam for the night and just been out to the Griffin (the pub where you and Emma came to see me) fo dinner - very nice. It also means I get a lie in tomorrow more to the point! Went to Bristol at the weekend and saw Gemma, Tracy, Rosie, Tony, Bruce and Phill who all send their love. G and T have just moved house into a huge mansion - its beautiful. It was nice to see them as I think last time was January!! Not much on this weekend and then the week after off to Salcombe which we are looking forward to. I'm feeling ok - getting excited/nervous! Did you get the photos I sent? Hope you are both ok. Speak to you soon. Love Kirst xxx