Just a quick note, got a few mins to spare, its the weekend for me. Jimmy & Mark are coming for the weekend, and you know what those weekends are like. Lots of booze and gossip. They are bringing Thomas with them this time. Just hope they arrive safely its forcast snow. Winter has certainly arrived its quite cold, hats and scarf weather. As long as all the snow has gone by Tuesday we've got a plane to catch. Eugene went to see Harry Potter last week, says its the best, hope to see it over the weekend. Let me know if you want me to bring you the last harry potter book out. Hope your showing Ali's brother all the best sites. Looking forward to seeing you counting the days now. Take care love Mum xxxxxxxxx
Hi Em
Just a quick note really busy at work this week, which makes a change. Went to Michelle's at weekend with it being bonfire night. Had the usual Argrar, kept Dad and Keith quiet. Leah thought the fireworks was boring but Bethany enjoyed them for a short time couldn't wait to get at the pie and peas. Started Christmas shopping, have to be organised this year as we are going on hols (can't wait). Hope you have a good time in Cambodia with Alis brother. Let us know what you think and we might be able to visit some of the same spots. Got to go missing you lots love Mum xxxxx
Hi Emma, (& Ali)
Good to hear from you, and really love getting your emails so keep them coming. Can't wait to see some of your photo's when you find a faster internet connection. Do have photo's of Egypt, but they're on the home PC and never seem to find time to sit down and put them on the website. Seems such a long time ago now that we were there and the tan has definitely begun to fade. No major news here, other than I have a new job. Going to work for BUPA for better hours and better pay - so makes sense really. Anyway, take care. Bet you can't wait for your parents to visit by the way. Speak soon.
hi all just to let you know we are having a great time in loas at the moment but going to vietnam tomorrow so cant wait. We went out for a meal last nite and ali order spagetti which was a surprise to find on the mean but loa has a lot of french here, anyway when she got it it was squid (we think not sure what eles it could be) in a curry sauce with green beans so that was a bit funny. sorry not many photos are going on at the moment but the internet is so slow out here it would take us a week to put any on, but we promise they will go eventually.
Hope everyone is well and not too cold, we love getting your messages so keep them coming miss you all love em&ali
Hiya Girls, how's it going? All's well in Huddersfield - dark nights setting in feels like winter's round the corner. I expect NZ is warming up nicely now, my buddy Michelle in Kati Kati complains it's cold when it's 20degrees c!..how soon she forgot the real cold weather!
Love from all here...take care and stay happy!
Love Veronica x
Hi Em
Well we,ve had the tree felling weekend,no injuries everyone survived.Shame you missed it had a great time, highlight of the weekend was eugene in green waterproofs. Wouldn't let us take a picture though. He took a picture of Rob with his viser on, eugene said he looked like Darth Vader. Got the package from San Fransico and Michelle brought the parcel from Lapland. Holiday is all booked can't wait to see you, only four weeks to wait. Back to work today, everybody else had the day of. Hope you are taking plenty of picture in Bangkok, can't wait to see them. Got to go talk soon.
Love you lots mum
Rob & Euey
Hi Emma, thanks for the emails recently. Glad to see you're still having fun. Singapore sounds like fun - all those shops and all. No Next though I bet? We just got back from Egypt yesterday and are lovely and tanned. We had an excellent time and didn't want to come back - let alone come back to work today. When I've downloaded the pics I'll send you the link. We went to Petra in Jordan as well - which was great and I got to do some diving too. We're off to your folks this weekend for the hedge felling experience, so maybe we can all try and ring you from there? Take care. Rob & Eug x
hi kids!!! just been looking @ your website .............the places you have visited in south America look mind blowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i am still in Oz - shame we couldn't manage the rendevouz in NZ ali.... alas -have fun in asia ,don't worry the pennies will spread further take care of each other - tammy :D
hi all thanks for all your messages keep them coming, we have just got to singapore we are on the last leg and the hot part of our trip now. We are loving the food its like having a take away ever night, we have been to raffles for a singapore sling and monkey nuts it was expensive but well worth it, we are meeting ali's mum and dad in a few days so we will be going to the famous night zoo then, cant wait !! All is well with us we are still enjoying ourselfs loads we are looking forward to seeing some more amazing sights, hope you are all enjoying them via the photos will kept them coming love em&ali
Hi Em
Hope you have enjoyed the land of the hobbits, and didn't run into too many elves. Can't wait to see the pictures. We have just got back from a long weekend in Rome. Weather was absolutely awful but managed to see everything we wanted to. Found a good Irish bar to while away the hours. Sent granma a picture postcard of the pope from the vatican post office, hope she notices. Going to Michelle's at the weekend, dad's putting up lights and I'm looking after the little angels!!. Don't forget to go to Raffles for a Singapore Sling, not cheap but well worth it. Will try and ring soon. Missing you lots.
Love Mum xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Girls
Now I'm really envious! Have a great time and watch for those hobbits...see ya!
Veronica x
Hi from lord of the rings land. Its much colder here and its great to see the rain again!!! We are off to singapore on sunday for the next leg of our journey.................. Love to everyone xxxxx