So glad you could join us. Come and see where we have been..... You can e mail us at [email protected] or [email protected]. Please say hello on our message board.....
well its that time to sign off we are just waiting to go to the airport here in singapore, we have had a amazing time and what made it even better is being able to log on and see all the lovely message you all have sent for us, know matter where we have been and how we are feeling it always put a smile on our faces, so THANKS again and for the last time we will say miss you all see you soon love em&ali
Hi to you both.
Well its come to that time when everything must end, Hope you both have lots of memories to bring home with you, I've had great fun logging on to the site and seeing what you have been up to, you did't seem so far away when I could send you a message. Monday mornings won't be the same I'll have to do some work now. Well as you can tell its Monday morning and the payroll beccons, can't wait to see you looking forward to skiing. It seems like some people are on holiday all the time. Love to you both. xxxxx
hi all thanks for all your message this last 9 months, it has made us smile every time we loged on.
we are on the last bit now just got back to singapore for a couple of days till we fly home on the 11th, its raining none stop at the moment so not doing too much but its just nice to be in a city where everyone speaks english!! cant wait to get home to see you all, it feels like its been forever. we have a nice skiing trip to look forward to with euey&rob thanks to mum&dad when we get back so take will be nice, will see you all soon thanks again for all your lovely message love em&ali
Happy 2006 girls!
Thought I'd catch the last post before you set off for home. I wanted to say how much I admire you both for your determination to follow your dreams, you should be very proud of yourselves for 'going for it' and for sticking it out when I'm sure times got tough.
I hope there will be a BIG welcome home bash!
Take care both we'll see you soon, love from all in Huddersfield.
PS Forgot to mention its the Merseyside Derby tonight hope you get to watch it. The boys are doing really well. Do you think if I wear my shirt it will bring them luck. Hope so. Not many points behind now.
See you soon.
Hi just a quick message had to come into work today to do the payroll. Its really quiet only Vicky & John in the main office it's just like old times. Dad's at home catching up on his discovery channel. Had a great few days with everybody, but missed you Christmas Day. Hope you both enjoyed yourselves and didn't open your presents until the morning. Hope the weather has improved we've got snow. I bet your glad you are missing that. Anyway must look busy, can't wait to see you . Lots of love Mum xxxxxx
keith and the girls
merry xmas emma and ali
its xmas eve and we are home watching the xmas eve films. We are about to pack and go to mum n dads
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kisses are from leah who misses you and cant wait to see you after santa has been
have a nice day wonder if you will get any turkey
will make up for your absence during the xmas games emma
leah says dont forget to leave your carrot for rudolf!
enjoy your xmas experience
lots of love take care
cant wait to see you in jan
leah & michelle
Hello Girls
I thought I'd pop in to say Hello and wish you both a very Happy Christmas. Thailand looks wonderful, I bet it was great to see your Mum and Dad Emma? We had a great night at your house, I was the first in bed at 4am! say no more...
We are busy with final Christmas preparations. Jimmy and I went to Tenerife last week, it was the holiday we won in the Examiner. We took Chris and Amy with us, I had quite forgotten the perils of young children playing by the pool! but we had a great time nonetheless, Jimmy is having his usual post flight blues, he will NEVER FLY AGAIN - this time he means it or so he says. We only have James, Tom and Haley for Christmas dinner this year, so that's an easy one to prepare leaving plenty of time for the odd sherry or two!
I'll sign off now with love from everyone here in Huddersfield. Take care both of you and we'll see you very soon.
Love and hugs from Veronica xxx
Hi Em
Just a short message back at work today which is a real bummer after being away for so long. Went to Huddersfield at the weekend to see all the family, had a great time. Didn't catch up with Jimmy & Veronica they was on holiday. Granma sends her love and says thanks for the card.
Anyway I can't see my desk for papers have to go really busy, will try and put a message on before Christmas. Thanks for a great week in Thailand had a wonderful time, it was really nice to see you both. Tell Ali I've posted her presants to Mum & Dad.
Lots of love mum xxxxxxx
Just want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. Hope you all have a lovely time. We will be spending both on some of Thailands beautiful islands enjoying our last few weeks of sunshine before coming home on Jan 12th. Looking forward to seeing everyone when we get back. Lots of love Ali and Emxxx
michelle and the gang
sorry havnt left a message for a while, not been 100% plus busy at work...... anyway
getting ready for xmas at the moment so excited about that
eugene is freaking me out he has all his pressie wrapped plus his cards arrived first and were the most thoughtful he has ever sent!
man utd crashed out of europe last night cant believe it passion has gone missing time for some players to move on
girls are doing great bethany is starting to talk and leah is loving school surrounded by boyfriends already
havent seen your pics but will look later your texts and emails sound exciting as ever
hope you are currently enjoying mum n dads company i'm sure they will pass on the gossip when they come back
anyway have to go teaching sports media analysis to yr 13
lots of love and kisses
be careful out there
just had a fast 7 weeks going to loas veitnam and camboida, we had 10 days with alis brother what was great we went to angkor wat it is amazing there mum and dad really enjoyed it too. just meet up with them for 1 nite in bangkok, it worked out we were both here at the same time so it was really nice to see them looking forward to spending a few more days with them in hua hin in 4 days time. the trip is going really fast now only 6 weeks left and still loads to see hope everyone is ok if do not speak to you both then have a good xmas in the cold we will be on a tropical island sunning ourself on the beach!!!!
Hi its me again
Just a quick note, got a few mins to spare, its the weekend for me. Jimmy & Mark are coming for the weekend, and you know what those weekends are like. Lots of booze and gossip. They are bringing Thomas with them this time. Just hope they arrive safely its forcast snow. Winter has certainly arrived its quite cold, hats and scarf weather. As long as all the snow has gone by Tuesday we've got a plane to catch. Eugene went to see Harry Potter last week, says its the best, hope to see it over the weekend. Let me know if you want me to bring you the last harry potter book out. Hope your showing Ali's brother all the best sites. Looking forward to seeing you counting the days now. Take care love Mum xxxxxxxxx
Hi Em
Just a quick note really busy at work this week, which makes a change. Went to Michelle's at weekend with it being bonfire night. Had the usual Argrar, kept Dad and Keith quiet. Leah thought the fireworks was boring but Bethany enjoyed them for a short time couldn't wait to get at the pie and peas. Started Christmas shopping, have to be organised this year as we are going on hols (can't wait). Hope you have a good time in Cambodia with Alis brother. Let us know what you think and we might be able to visit some of the same spots. Got to go missing you lots love Mum xxxxx
Hi Emma, (& Ali)
Good to hear from you, and really love getting your emails so keep them coming. Can't wait to see some of your photo's when you find a faster internet connection. Do have photo's of Egypt, but they're on the home PC and never seem to find time to sit down and put them on the website. Seems such a long time ago now that we were there and the tan has definitely begun to fade. No major news here, other than I have a new job. Going to work for BUPA for better hours and better pay - so makes sense really. Anyway, take care. Bet you can't wait for your parents to visit by the way. Speak soon.