Couch Surfing in Western Australia!!
Having only stayed in Perth for a week I now regret not spending longer over here!! Western Australia is very different to othe states in Oz, mainly due to the population. There arent many people over this way and that means that the wilderness/bush is vast.
There are more beautiful scenic places to choose from over in the west and its certainly the place for adventure! An area I will return to.
I started my week in YHA City Backpackers, one of the cleanest backpackers I have stayed in with fantastic facilities, however I decided to move from here and head to Fremantle early because I had trains running next to my bed which made it impossible to sleep! Id been told some really nice things about the Fremantle and possibly built it up a little as I ended up disapointed.. Having said that I really enjoyed my stay here. It was nice to just relax and getawy from the big city life. A very pretty village by the coast which gave me another opportunity to watch an awesome sunset.
From Fremantle I headed up the coast to Cottesloe, a great seaside resort. The beach here was fantastic, although I did get quite a shock when I entered the water!!! It was cold!!
Perth was next on the list, and is now my favourite city in Australia. Only a small city in comparison, which I liked and the scenery by the Swan river which runs through Perth was awesome. I also got the opportunity to see pelicans flying by. Very funny birds which were made that little bit more wonderful when I saw them sitting on top of the street lights in the middle of the freeway!?! A very strange sight!!
In Perth I decided to take a chance and couch surf! And what an awesome time I had doing this!! I stayed in Leederville 15minutes from town in a house filled with CouchSurfers! A "Student" house with 4 ocupants all lovely friendly people really inspired by travel. The whole time I was there I only met one Australian. Couch Surfering is certainly something Id try again as I had a great time here in Perth thanks to Jacqui and her friends. Not to mention the money saver on accomodation!!
Perth is a great city with a freindly atmosphere which caters for everyone no matter what your interest is. You can see the whole place in a day, or actually half a day, but to really see Perth for the place it is you need to spend a little longer.
- comments
Jenelyn oh oh oh, is Nic here with you! I work all day time hours but I'll see if I can make it to the Wednesday evening talk, would be nice to say "hello" again, B won't be in town 'till next week, he'll be sorry to miss you guys!