Back in Melbourne... And Im freezing!!
Arrived back in Melbourne late afternoon and it was cold! Autum was here and letting everyone know that winter wasnt long behind!! I have taken to wearing two t-shirts under a jumper and also football sock to keep the warmth in!! Its amazing how quickly my body adapted to the warmth and humidity of Queensland, I hope it doesnt take long to re-acclimatise! Hopefully I have a warm English summer ahead of me otherwise I may struggle!
Being back with the Lamb family was like returning home! They made me so welcome when I was here coaching and the same has happened since... Although I cant keep up with them on an evening! Ive had some late nights and early starts, Im looking forward to a lie in next week!!! ive had a lot of fun this week and train very hard, been out running each day as there is a great little bike track that leads all the way into the city (I havent made it all the way on foot but did cycle there a couple of times too) I need to keep improving my fitness levels and was given extra motivation when I heard Leeds City Vixens had won promotion this year!
Ive covered pretty much every area of Melbourne over the 5 weeks in total Ive stayed here, its a really nice city with plenty to offer. It is possible the best city in Australia, and certainly the one I know the best.
The Dandenongs, just outside the city, provide aome excellent walks and hikes. The 1000 steps and Kakodia trail being the main attraction. Its a tough climb up those stairs!! A great training tool used by many enthusiasts! Not this time for me, the power walk to the top was enough!! The view from the top across to the city was magic and worth the climb! Although getting down wasnt as easy! I always struggle going down hill, I just cant keep up with my legs!! Im sure I look hilarious too!! A point confirmed by Angela who couldnt walk for laughing!!
Ive had another great week on this journey and have many fond memories to take home with me.. Before I leave Australia I must see Western Oz. I head to Perth on Monday 4th May. Im very excited as I always am whenever I move on.....
- comments
Hiromitu Yes, it could be a kidney stone. I would remcemond getting back in touch with your dr to have them evaluate the situation further.I was told in 2004 that I had a kidney stone in my left ureter when a CT Scan was done of my abdomen and pelvis.
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