Today we had to be up nice and early (okay 8am so it wasn't too early :P) ready to build a dam in the Thai forestry area. As some of the group had gone out the night before they didn't make it so there was about 9 of us but we still managed to finish early, we were just that good :P When we got there, the stream was at the bottom of a steep slope but at the top of the slope was about 10 bags of cement (100kg each!) and two tubs that needed to be carried down to the bottom of the slope - luckily the guys and the Thai men that were with us carried them down. We then spilt into two groups, some of us collecting the rocks and some of us mixing the cement with water. All those years of watching you mix cement have definitely paid off Dad thanks! ;P I quite enjoyed the cement mixing and got pretty covered - going to need another trip to the laundry soon! Once we had finished we got to leave our own mark on the wet cement on top of the dam so somewhere on this island is my concrete handprint and name on a dam which is pretty awesome :D spent the rest of the day relaxing - we did attempt to go to the beach but the sun was still behind the clouds (typical) and the tide was up :/ so relaxed in my room and then in the evening went out for a meal with two of the others - Jen and Jay - I got to play the awkward third wheel haha it was good though. Most people are off out again tonight but I think I'll have an early night ready for tomorrow's early start - plenty more opportunities for nights out another time anyway! Haha :P E x
- comments
Mum Dad will be proud of your new skills - am sure he'll save some D.I.Y jobs for when you get home!! ;-p
Dad Well done Eloise, really glad your enjoying doing some manual labour!! There will plenty more when you get home ;-) xx