It feels so good just to be able to lie on a beach and relax especially after the long journey we had to get here. So we left Bangkok around 9pm last night and sat on a coach that drove us down to the pier. We got there around half 5 this morning (managed to get a few hours sleep). Our ferry didn't arrived until 7am so while we were waiting there were some deckchairs we could sit in by the beach and just watch the morning sunrise which was pretty. We then got on the ferry to go to the first island that we'll be staying on for 4 days. We finally got there around half 11 and then had a short taxi ride to our hotel. The hotel is actually really nice, I'd say it's one of the best ones we've stayed in so far :) after a small rest me and my roommates (I have two now, Victoria and Corey who are also really nice) decided to hit the beach. Sadly the sun has decided to stay behind the clouds but it's still nice and hot. We have an orientation this evening to find out what sort of volunteer work we're going to be doing over these next three mornings which I'm looking forward to :) I'll let you know what it is tomorrow! E x
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