Today was really fun. We had rented bikes and rode around Ayutthaya stopping at three temples to look around. Considering I haven't ridden a bike for about 6 years now and we didn't have helmets and were riding on main roads between cars at times, I managed okay and didn't fall off. The temples were really old and rural which was interesting seeing a bit of Thailand history. At one temple we had a pot of sticks, that had numbers on, and you had to shake the pot until one stick fell out and then whatever the number you get a piece of paper with your fortune on it. Mine was "any business goes well. Trading brings high income. Pregnant will get baby boy. Lost items will be found. Money will be paid back. Sickness will get recovered. You will be delight and happy." Thanks fortune for ruining the surprise of the sex of the baby when I have one :P haha the rest sounds okay though, looking forward to a high income ;) we then had pizza at a pizza restaurant which was so good!
Now relaxing before we have a long journey this evening and the whole of tonight. Two hour private coach to Bangkok, relax there for two hours, then 9 hour ride on a public coach to the pier, relax there for 1 hour and then a 4 hour ferry ride to the first island. We should get there tomorrow morning/midday and then we have the rest of the day to relax and go to the beach - yay! E x
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