What a day/night! So we leave on the coach at 9pm and it's all going well until it decides to break down at 3am in the morning -.- the drivers managed to fix it although the way they were revving the engine to get it started again, I was sending a silent prayer that the bus wouldn't blow up. Managed to get quite a bit of sleep on the coach after that which was good. We then stopped at a petrol station at 9am and had to get into a open-sided taxi (it had a roof but no windows or door at the back) and travel another 1 1/2 hours to our guesthouse resort we're staying in. It seems quite nice here and at least we have a fan in our room but I haven't found any wifi yet :( (once you read this blog though, you'll know that I've found some).
We then made our way to the elephant place on the back of an open topped truck (standing up and holding onto the sides which was fun) but of course the weather decided at that moment to send rain our way so we all got very soaked!
Once we got there we had some lunch and then one of the men who worked there was giving us words to use as instructions to move the elephants around. We then went up to see the elephants (barefoot in elephant poo - life doesn't get much glamorous then that ....) and got to feed the elephants. We all gathered round one elephant and the man asked who would like to go first - me being me of course I put my hand up first :P one way I had to get up was standing on its trunk and climbing up and then turning around so you're sat on its neck. I was so high up from the ground! After everyone had a go we all went on the elephants (two to each elephant - Lauren came with me) and we walked through the fields and jungle, up and down hills, all the way to the river. Elephants are actually pretty uncomfortable to sit on after a while but it was still so much fun! We then all played with the elephants in the water splashing them and each other :P then some of the group rode the elephants back to their home whilst the rest of us including me, got a lift back to the place, then we all went back to our resort to shower and get ready for dinner. Can't wait to spend time with the elephants again tomorrow! E x
- comments
Granny Nothing like a bit of adventure on the way to get you in the mood! Can just picture you climbing up via the trunk and like the picture of you "on board". It must have been great to look down on fields and jungle even with an uncomfortable seat. You're getting into the swing of things now. How many in your group? Are you all a similar age? Think of us in cold UK while you sweat it out in Thailand! Lots of love xx
Mum Wow, what a fantastic experience- you're dream coming true!
Mum Oops! *your !!!