We have safely arrived in Sihnoukville after a bit of a hair raising journey. The minivan probally did an average of over 100km/hour the whole 8 hours! Very scary at times, overtaking on corners and when there was on coming traffic-the rule seems to be that you beep if your going to overtake to warn the person infront and then if there is on coming traffic the bigger car gets the right of way. We saw a two fatal accidents which we're both horrific, all motorbike crashes wearing no helmets- unfortunately three women died and we're left in the road, as no medical help could get there as we we're in the middle of nowhere, very sad and a bit distressing. And one man in our minivan said is serves them right because they should learn how to drive- if he wasn't about 4 times the size of me I deffinatly would of said something to him! Horrible man. Anyway we are safe now and after a not very stay in a guesthouse last night (we had to move rooms three times) we have now checked into a lovely guesthouse just by the beach, English owned and you can deffinatly tell, the good menu looks so good. We have booked 5 nights here so far and I am looking forward to spending some chilled days on the beach and going snorkelling!
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