Vicky's Project
I picked to volunteer at the Kolva Fisherman School. Its a small hut on the beach which is quite nice other than it gets piping hot! On average 15 children turn up each day and we all squeeze in, they are all of different ages ranging from 2 - 12, and all diffeent abilities, this make its quite hard to teach them but we do our best! Its also difficult because not many of the children turn up everyday, this is because thier families are all fishermen and when lots of fish come in the children are forced to go to work rather than school. This weekend loads of fish came in so there were hardly any children this morning and I got shown around where they work with all the fish! It was cool to see but absolutly hummed! Its sad to think that the children have to work so hard for such little money and are missing out on getting a proper education. They also have to work in the mornings before school, we arrive and they are all scavenging round the beach for bottles. They get paid 50R for 10kg of bottles which isn't very much, we collect them at camp and take them too them and they love it!
All the children are lovely though, all they want it attention and to play and constantly are jumping on us and wanting to be picked up its all really fun though! Wehn we leave they chase after the jeep giving us high fives and cling onto us as we get into the jeep asking us not to leave!!!! The other day we took them swimming in the sea which was really fun too! There are a few of us volunteers so we take it in turns to plan a lesson, its my turn tomorow and I think Im gonna do something about animals with the masks and cards I have and maybe get them to sing old mac donald! I'l let you know how it goes!!!!!!
In the afternoon both me and ellie volunteer in the Orphanage. We were really looking forward to it, like the idea of just playing with the orphans and giving them attention that they probably don't get off the staff but it was totally different to what we imagined. Obviously the orphanage isnt the nicest place in the world, there isnt a great atmosphere and when we arrive the chldren are doing their homework. They are all private school and gets loads of homework, but there really clever so they don't need any help really, they just get really bored of it after an hour or so and we're there to try and get them to finish it. We did however get a chance to chat with one of the older girls today and that was nice, just chatting and helping her with her Englush as she wants to pass her exams so she can go to college, were gonna ask if we can do more of that sort of thing this week as we don't feel were much help with the younger ones. Will let you know how that goes too!
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