I was still so drunk when I woke up this morning! The man I met that worked at the bar in the hostel from the first night kept trying to take my sunglasses off! I hold him slightly responsible for my first night in Berlin as he kept giving me free shots! He gave me one called 'russian cocaine' which was a shot of vodka followed by eating a piece of lemon topped with coffee!! I definitely do not recommend this to anyone!! Today we had to travel the longest distance between destinations than any we had done the whole trip and I was still drunk!! It was so horrible... I didn't set an alarm and woke up 15minutes before we had to leave! I looked horrible! I was definitely not the only one! Everyone had such a big night! On our way to Amsterdam we stopped off at a place called Dresden. It was an awesome town! The Nazis completely destroyed it during WW2 with the whole town in flames! It has so much character because most of the town square is still standing and the buildings that were completely destroyed were rebuilt using the remains, so you can see all the charred and burnt remains! Along the way we stopped for lunch before finally reaching Amsterdam! I don't even know where to start... It is crazy!!! You can buy and smoke marijuana anywhere - it is so cheap! 1.30€ for a joint and prostitution is legal! When we got there we went for a walking tour through the town. Besides sex and drugs the town is really beautiful - I had no idea what to expect, but it is full of pretty townhouses and canals! We then went to a sex show - as long as I live I will never, ever go to another! It was disgusting, but so funny watching people from our group get pulled on to stage and put in the most awkward situations in front of a crowd! In the red
Light district you walk through the streets and there are girls that stand in the window in tiny lingerie. When someone walks up to the door they let them in, close the curtain, do what they need to do and then start advertising themselves again! After the sex show a big group of us went to a coffee house where I had a chocolate brownie :) Simon and I left everyone early and walked around before getting some dinner! We were both so tired from the night before so we went home early and had a good night sleep because tomorrow morning we're doing a bike
Riding tour!
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