Nice one Ellen! Great idea...keep us all posted and see you when you return! All the best, Michael.x.
Thomas Davis
Dear Helen,
Nice to hear you are travelling the world.
This website you have set up is a great idea and i feel as though i am on this amazing adventure with you!! (in an unusual but good way).
Wherever you go - my spirit is in situ!!
Say hi to the each country for me and write into the bark of an ancient tree ''Ellen and tommy spirit'!!
May this trip enlighten you.
All the best - catch up soon - Tommy. xx xx
Matty K
Well well well look at Smellen with the website!! Must say I'm rather jealous of the jokes you will be catching on tour. Just for me could you make sure you visit the following places and bring me back a souvenir: w***s River (Nicaragua)
Chinaman's k*** (Australia)
Twatt (Orkney, UK)
Tittybong (Australia)
Pis Pis River (Nicaragua)
c*** (Spain)
Muff (Northern Ireland) and...
Wet Beaver Creek (Australia)
Cheers Smellen! I'm sure you'll have a magical time.
Lots of love Matty K/Martin/Mattpoo xx
Larry Magic Pants
Well touch my pants, looks like Smellooooon is almost ready to piss off round the world, I hate travellers. Top collection of pics baby, keep me posted as to where you'll be and when, the nothing thats guna keep me in England for long after i return, i may coome out and join for a bit. Larry Magic/Skiddy/To Small/Y-Shaped Pants
Well done ellen! Brilliant idea. Can't wait to follow your adventures around the world. Speak to you later xxxxxx
Bertie Bassett
Check out your IT skills!!! A very good idea and all you need now is to get some more pictures in your photo album (especially if they include me)!!!! We will have to try and organise a night in Reading soon and see some old faces. Anyways back to my work :) Rich.X
Great idea?!?! i wonder where you got the idea for this great website? hummmm, Well gorgeous im back in the uk now, been out in winch this week to the grad ball - destroyed the dance floor with danish and rudi dray. Expect to see you on larrys b'day so we can bust some shapes. x x x
Gemma B
check you out!!! fab website, great idea and have a wicked time.
have a good one, keep us posted love gem x x x x x
Hi Smellen! What countries are you going to?? Im living in Sydney at the mo, so let me know if you're coming to Oz! Hope to see you out here! XXX
What a good idea!
See you before you go!
Hey! How are you? My mum bumped in2 ur mum in uxbridge and so i have heard about the 18 month trip! Most people go for 6 or 12 months but u have 2 beat everyone. Ur website is impressive, i can barely turn on a computer so am very easily impressed. Anyway, just waana wish u all the best and im sure u will have a wicked time. When do u go?