I just saw your Cu Chi tunnel photos too... you had the same guide as us! Wasn't he hilarious?! Did you make it the whole 90 metres? x
Em And Gwil
Those sunset photos are AMAZING! We're in Hungary now, and are missing the south-east asian sun badly!! We fly to London in 2 weeks... We will look out for Em's identical twin. x
Hey honey bunch. Fiinally i can post a message!
Fabulous pics and some rather attractive fellows too which was a bonus (good girl)
Glad you're having such an amazing time, although we're all missing you loads. Especially Joshy - he's missing his Auntie Ellen! Sure you can't just pop back for a quick cuppa?hehe. love you always xxx
Dirty Dan
i havent been able to post a message since the last time ages ago so heres another one......just in case you ever forget.....I love ya!!!
Ryans 2nd Bday this week, can you believe it!! i cant and theres another on its way, who would have thought!!!XXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxx
Dirty Dan
Smelly, i miss ya!!! cant wait to see you!!!
Action starts this friday.....?!!!!x
Wow, wow, wow is all I can say at the mo. The sunset pictures from Phuket have literally taken my breathe away... don't think I have ever seen anything like it! Girl you know how to take a photo! Mmmmm and as for school, doesn't look like there was much learning going on there! xxx
Oh man the pics had been going so well, but then I got to the Vietnam war ones. What's with the babies in jars, it's put me right off my strawberry milkshake! x
We'll miss you on Sunday but I'm sure your mum will do a great proxy job! Hope to speak to you in the afternoon. Lyd, John and Charlie x x x Just looking at the new photos!
Man who chases two rabbits catches neither... Remember that! When you're chasing rabbits!
Hi Ellen, loving the photos and the news, glad you are having a fabulous time, take care, love plum x
Hey babycakes, so nice to hear about all your travels and then see them all in picture evidence. You look so well. I am dead jealous about all the things you are doing and seeing. Making me feel like I want to give up my corporate prostitution and follow on in your footsteps! Missing you loads and there is not a gathering where we do not think about you! xxxxxx
Enough of the arty farty close ups of flowers - who do you think you are - David Bailey? Keep having fun old girl.