GDay!!! Can't wait to see you! Not long now - how exciting!!! love Soph xxxxx
Raquel For A Dream
Smelly Morifarty... you keep making special guest appearances in my dreams, it's complete legend!!
Missing you so much hun, life in London just isn't the same but we're all trying our best to struggle on without you (through the tears). So glad you're having an awesome time although I have to keep burying the pangs of jealousy!
Thinking of you, lots of love and PLEASE keep safe!
Missing you Loads mate!x
Missing you Loads mate!x
YO GEEK! Flights booked, passport applied for, and pennies being saved.... Can't wait to see you out there! Keep the pictures and emails coming, it looks absolutely fantastic and I get more and more jealous everyday.
Ciao for now
Larry Magic Pants
Hey honey, pics all looking good, wish i was with you travelling, missing it, LOADS. Think i'll have ot come meet you at some point. Winton was good, plenty of Drink, Footy, Catching, up and Arguments, it had the lot. Robins was a drunk for 3 days solid. he's so ginger. He has put 4 stone on due to satying in the house eating and not working. Lazy Red.
Love you
Hey smellen..loving the pics and emails!!! its making me so,so jealous!!..keep the pictures and emails coming!! and i must say steve-stephen "whatever his name is" looks very fetching with the ponytails!! i think it must have been your handy hairdressing skills..he,he!!
takecare and keep having FUN!! hayley.xx
I'm here in sunny Thailand guys! Arrived safely, and hopefully pictures can be added a lot easier here....will keep the emails and updates coming, lots of love to you all xxxx
Smellen ...............
Glad u have arrived safely! loving your email updates keeping us all up to date, making me chuckle at work! keep em coming!
Live every moment to the full! Take care, be safe!
Love allie x x x
PS - I think ............. 'Love is in the air, wo wo wo love is in the air!' ha ha ha seems u have def found ur perfect partner in crime! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Moody's India treating you? No Delhi Belly i hope! Is the tour going well? Just read sue's message and i am also doing all i can to get me over to Oz in the summer - am actually working 14 hour days (school/nursery followed by you know where!) to earn those extra pennies now. So only a few months til we're slurping wine in the NSW vineyards....mmmmmmmm!! Enjoy the curry and don't drink the water. Moody xxxxxxxxxx
Daz, Amy And Joshy
Hi Geeeeeeek !!!!! Well you have been away nearly a week and we are yet to see some pictures " sort it out " !
Hope all is going well mate, hope to see you in Oz if all goes well !!
take care babe xxx Dazaxxxx
ps Heating and phone bill is down 40% since you have been gone, funny that !!!
Howdy, hope your adventure has started well! Just been on Google Earth and I am just looking at Delhi. It looks a bit cramped!! Hope you are having a wicked time, and guess what... in order to meet you in August I have had to get a part time job, in between the full time one! and I bet you can guess where it is!!! CORRECT! Anyway, I will ignore the sarky comments off people in Winch and look forward to raising some extra cash to make the trip extra special... I even entered a competition on GMTV this morning!Can't wait to see you geek and take lots of care!
Love you and speak soonxxx