Ellen's Mini Adventure!
Well well well, can hardly believe that 2006 is coming to an end……..where on earth has the year gone?!?…… has certainly been a jam packed one, and I hope that this final email of the year finds you all well…….
Things this side of the globe have been as hectic as ever in recent weeks. Can’t remember precisely where I left you last, but think it was with the fast approaching arrival of my Little Bro…….well he made it in one piece and arrived last week……woo wooooo……As I stood at the airport at ridiculous o’clock in the morning, awaiting the BA09 flight from Bangkok, with Mummy Moriarty on the phone from England……a terrible thought ran through me…….as the minutes ticked by and no James came through, I remembered…….he was the official carrier of the world renowned Nanny Moriarty Cheese Scones!!! James had over 20 cheese scones in his suitcase, and you know how funny the Aussies are about ANYTHING ‘un’ Australian on their turf……….I had images of him being frisked by a load of Surfer Security guards, and questioned on the content of his scones………..however, as Mum and I start to think the worst, he rolls into arrivals, big smile on his face and not changed a bit!!!
My job over here with Sydney Ports has given me an excellent opportunity to go to numerous work Christmas ‘dos’ at some beautiful locations around Sydney including Darling Harbour and Circular Quay venues with views of all the Sydney sights! Also, last night I was asked if I would like to continue working here as long as my visa would allow………and I love it here, so of course said yes, and am now so happy that I have some financial security so I can save for the rest of my trip comfortably……..
Since James arrived we’ve had a ball, enjoying the beach and the shops, and most importantly the Christmas Fancy Dress House Party of the Year!!!! Quite the turn out and quite the effort was made by all on Saturday for the big event! Cath, Jo and I slaved over party games and decorating the flat, and as the guests began to arrive……the flat began to fill up and the evening commenced……..the costumes varied from Santa’s, Presents, Mrs Claus, Christmas Trees and Angels….and not forgetting the Five Wise Men…..the photos speak for themselves and am hoping to load some up this week…….DEFINITELY worth a look!!! Never say I do things by halves!!! Ha
So, back to work this week as James and his friend Sara, who he came here with, see some of the sights, and come Friday we all have the Christmas week off to enjoy……..Christmas on the beach with lots of friends…….its a first… but luckily for most of us we all have siblings here, so it is not a completely ‘no family zone’…….which is great for us all! Can’t wait!
So, after that quick recap of my recent time here in Oz, I just wanted to take a minute to reminisce on some of my highlights of 2006…………..
Arriving in Delhi on the 20th January and my feelings upon knowing I was setting out on my own…..and I loved it!
Meeting Stephen……who started as my room mate and turned into a brilliant amazing friend and such a huge part of my time in Asia
The 3 Day Chang Mai trekking, the hard core walking, the random gathering of people and the friendships made there, the showering in local waterfalls and the trip along the Mekong to Laos and the sleeping in wooden shacks whist singing round campfires….
Island hopping in Thailand with Stephen and Elisa and meeting up with Stu and Les from Winchester ……old friends meet the new…….a brilliant time
A random meeting with ‘friends of friends’ in Koh Samui lead me to meet Anja…… next great companion for the most amazing 3 months through my Number One country- VIETNAM!
Back to school……..a fantastic month of teaching in Patong with by far the most breathtaking sunsets of my trip so far……
Another tour, and a FANTASTIC group, with some of the funniest (Emma!) people ever, and clicked with so many people, you know who you are, for so many different reasons…….2 excellent weeks travelling through Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore…..buckets of whisky, the Cameron Highlands party, the jungle trek….the memories are endless, and often remembered……..
Being kissed by a dolphin……………
The Rock Tour…….again a great bunch of people, sleeping in swags, camping out with the dingos, walking around Ayres Rock……….and the thrill of watching the sunset over the most Aussie symbol…..couldn’t believe I was finally there……really hit home that I was in Australia….and I loved it……
Orange !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What more can I say………the fun I had with two of the best friends I could ever ask for……….the AFL game, the Neighbours night and all that it entailed, Jock Itch…..!??!.......the most fantastic four weeks of travelling Oz, and seeing so much……….
THE GREAT OCEAN ROAD……………………wow………….whale spotting and Moody trying to speak ‘Whale’ to them………
Climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge ………..the best birthday ever!
Moving to Bondi Beach……with my two little cherubs Catherine and Paul…….settling and finding a fantastic social group of friends in the area, walking down the street and always seeing someone you know, being 2 minutes from the beach, and Sunday Brunch…..….there’s no place like home…. except Bondi!……
Mummy Moriarty in Aus!!! A fantastic 2 weeks of walking and hard core travelling…….loved having her here, love talking now about places I go and things I see and knowing that she has been here to experience it with me……..the cabin in Port Campbell, the fish in Watsons Bay, the beach in Manly, the trips up every sky tower we could find, the overnight train to Melbourne, the brekkies in Lamrock and the re-visit to The Great Ocean Road…….plus much much more…….
Getting the most amazing job with Sydney Ports on a Billion dollar project, the biggest New South Wales as ever seen…….the view from my window will never get tiresome…….
The many visitors to share the experience with us, including Jules, Rowan, Jo and Eamon…….Minus 5-Ice Bar, Scruffy Murphys, Lowenbrau German Bar, Sydney Tower Restaurant, each one of them making the flat feel like home in their own way……..
Finally, James’ arrival and the Fancy Dress Party to beat all others………..spending Christmas with my Lil Bro on the beach, what a way to top off a fantastic 2006 !
Well my ‘few highlights’ turned out to be a lot more than I expected but when you good things happen its hard to be brief about them…………
Here’s wishing you a fantastic Christmas and New Year and all the best for 2007 may it bring you all you wish for and more……..
Much love, me xxx
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