Wel we haven't written for a while we are in new zealand at the moment but we didnt write our blog for melourne so il let you know what happened there.
Well we stayed at a hostel called the ritz in st kildas, it was only 20 dollars a night so really cheap and it was pretty good as well. On our first day in melbourne we got up really late, think we were tired from the early mornings and the activities from the 3 day tour down. So all managed in our first day was to enquire about sending some stuff home at the post office and get some food for our time we were in melbourne and a box to pack our stuff in. We then went home and packed all our stuff to send home in a box before making dinner and pretty much just going back to sleep lol.
On our second day we took out box to the post office to send off and decided to go to the queen street market, so we jumped on the tram to queen street and walked up to the market to find that it wasn't open on wednesdays lol so we done some shopping instead, bought some trousers and two tops and kev got two tops and a shirt, so we had a good look round melbourne shops ha some lunch before heading back to our hostel.
On thursday we went back to the market and got to look round we bought some souvieniers and got everyone little presents, so we ended up bringing more stuff back to pack in our bags so maybe we should have waited a couple of more days untill we sent our box off. Thursday night we went down to see the penguins, which come out onto the pier down by the beach at night, we got quite a few photos of them kev spotted about 12 of them lol. they were so tiny and cute i wanted to bring one home lol.
Friday we didnt really do anything just sat around the hostel watching films in the tv lounge. In the evening kevs old mate that he used to work with came and picked us up from the hostel and took us down into melbourne town where we went for a drink in an irish pub and then to the casino where katire holmes is staying, the casino was massive there were shops, cinema, clubs, bars, food places and hotel above it. I think we might see bigger ones in vegas though. Melbourne was really pretty at night everything was all lit up and it was nice to walk around.
The next day we decided to go to the erika tower (think thats spelt wrong) we done the edge experience which was gd, you go into a room and they close the door and then the room starts moving and then all the sudden you here a big shattering of glass sound and the room becomes clear and your just stood in a glass box on the outside of the building. It was really good we got a photo of us in it. The tower itself is gd as well you can see some really gd veiws of melbourne. Kevs ear was hurting him that day so w went straight home to bed after that.
Sunday me and kev ended up going to the hospital about 7 in the morning cus kevs ear was really hurting and we found out he'd burst his ear drum, so they gave him some pain killers and said it would heal over itself and to go tot a hospital in a month to check on it. The rest of the day we spent in to the sostel kev wasnt feelling to gd as the tablets had made him ill as well so he slept most of the day,.
Monday kev was still ill and his ear started bleeding, which at first we thought was ok cus we thought it was just releaving the pressure he was feeling in his ear but after a whole day and night of the bleeding getting worse and kev feeling sick, we went to the doctors on tuesday and they sent us to the hospital which put kev on antibiotics. So he is still on them and were going to get his ear checked again on friday when he finishes his course.
Wednesday we checked out of the hostel in the morning and got our shuttle at 2 to the airport, our flight was at 5:50pm and that was all on time, we lant in christchurch at aroud midnight and booked into our hostel it was absoloutly freesing lol. Anyway we will write our blogs for new zealand soon and let you know what we have been up to. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Yea thats fine about going into your room, um i dont know what colours whatever you think will look nice will do. Kevs ear is getting better now, bet you cant wait to go on holiday to guernsey i will have to email you or something when your there. My credit ran out the other day when i was on the phone so that 20 pounds i put on didnt last long lol. i will ring you again tommorow night so it will be morning for you i love you lots miss you loads elise xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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