well on our last day in sydney we walked across harbour bridge, we didnt bother with the climb as we thought it was too much money to do. so we walked across it as thats free lol. The veiws were still really good and we went for a drink in a pub across the other side before walking back. I had to go to work on our last night there and that was a gd one so we are back on budget with our money now.
We got back from work at 6 30 and had to get our bus at 7 so after grabbing our luggage from our room we checked out and made our way round to the oz experience office to get our bus. I was so tired lol and so was kevin, we stopped for breakfast in the morning before making our way to canberra, which is where the primeinister or oz lives so we got to go in the parliment house and had a tour round before getting some lunch there and going to a lookout to see the whole town.
We then made our way afterthat to the snowy mountains, where we got kitted up with our ski stuff at the hire shop and then went tot he hostel and had dinner and a drink before going to bed really early as we were so tired.
We had a very early start the next day we got up at 6ish to get breakfast and left the hostel at 7 to make our way to the ski slopes, we had half a day on the slopes and go a free ski lesson. Before our ski lesson tho me and kev decided to go up this massive slope not thinking it was as big as it was lol and as we went to get on the T-bar lift up, kev thought he could sit on it cus i forgot to tel him he couldnt and he fell off lol but not after trying to hold on to it for a while then realising his ski had come off so he had to let go lol it was so funny lol and there was a que of people behind us lol. When we got to the top i was scared of going down as i thought i might had forgoting how to ski lol but i went down slowly and made it to the bottom without falling lol. Kev couldnt get the hang of the turn tho and his ski kept falling off so he walked down lol.
Me and kev werent in the same group in our ski lessons as he had to go in begginers and i went in group 3 so got to go on some of the slopes. Towards the end of the lesson tho i went and got kev and we went down so small slopes together which was gd. Think were going to have another go at skiing in new zealand as kev really liked it.
We left the slopes at 12 and took our ski gear back and had lunch before making our way to lakes entrance where we had dinner and stayed in a hostel for the night. We had an even earlier start the next day and left at 6 30 to go to a national park to do some walk which only 3 people did as it was so cold and started to rain but we saw some nice veiws and took some pics we also stopped off and saw some kangaroos on the way there were loads of them. We finally made it to melbourne about 4 30 and booked into the ritz hostel which is quite nice, were here for 9 nights before going to new zealand.
I got the pics of carlas baby he looks really cute, and i loved the pics of missy she looks really big lol. cant wait to see everyone at home miss you all loads. only 3 months or just under to go now tho and we will be back home. I will put the pics on soon when i get onto the laptop, glad my car has sold will be looking forward to gettin the cc when i get home lol might have to get it on finance tho now lol, cant wait to see the pics of the room bet it will look lovely probably wont even recognice it spec without all my mess in it lol. I love you lots and lots miss you loads, i will ring again soon. love you elise and kevin xxxxxxxxx
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