Hi there - just e mailed you Vicky - fab hearing from you. Smart roof rack and you are such wheeler dealers - Chris Loveder is a little s***e - he made me drink lots the other night when we were out and took me to this loud bar where I had to shout to be heard - ha ha - well thats my excuse for being borish........I did manage to throw a pint of lager over Bridie and Chris - I've never seen him move so fast!!!
Love the update with all the travel and i'm getting better at this technical stuff (CHRIS!!) so I can now access the photographs.... keep in touch guys - and ps Vicky the food at the party was fab....but Danny don't listen to Chris re DVD's - the idiot recommended Tim Burton's the Corpses Bride to me - DON'T ASK!! World cinema it ain't - if you get my drift!! another of life's lessons learnt - Don't ask Chris Loveder to be film guide!!
Jane x
Chris 'bumholes To Jane' Loveder
Eh up guys. I liked the latest blog. You now have no excuse for not having a car chase now that you have a van. You could do some excellent jumps over Yabby Creek in that! Anyway don't listen to Jane, she couldn't even figure how your website worked. So there! It looks like everything is going well with you guys with your fancy homemade bed (bet it's not leather though is it?) I'm all moved into the flat, it's girt lush although we've got a bit of a rubbish flatmate who is Jeff's personal trainer. He'd already moved in a couple of weeks before me but seems to have taken over the living room with his ginormous desk and massive rowing machine! Apart from that I'm settling in nicely. Anyway that's enough about me, we want more blogs!
p.s. Danny-I've bought the flight of the conchords DVD. It's amazing! It doesn't feature Neil Finn though. Boo! But YAY!
Ey up guys,
Not fair! I want to be in Oz and NZ :-( If you get to Wanganui in NZ, let me know and you can stay with my folks.
Live it large it love it
Jane Colenso
Hi there you two.....its looking good - I notice that Chris - I have no life - Loveder is keeping busy writing to you - so I thought as I also, have no life I would do the same.....
Just got back from Italy - it was fabulous but exhausting - Jeffrey had me and Bridie up and out each day strutting about - we took in Capri, Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast.... but Anna told me Naples was crap and she was so right - it is YUK......
Hope all is good with you - thanks for keeping in touch.
kisses folks J x
Anna Lewins
Hi, just caught up with your updates after a lovely week away in Wales, (Abergavenny) and it didn't rain once! We now have a 12 year old jack russel called Sasha and 10 year old cat called Molly from the Bath cat and dogs home - what have we done! They came with all sorts of bad habits (just like Chris), must be old age. Katy and Ryan had a fab time in Canada. Carry on keeping us all updated, especially about the wonderful weather as we have had gales and hailstones today! Love from Anna
Keep up the good camera work, loving it.
Melbourne video bringing back memories.
Be good
luke&Jen x
Hey ya mate and matette, so your gettin 4 seasons in one day down there in Melbourne, you'll have to get used to that, Victoria and south Aus have that rep at this time of the year. Glad to see that it's all going well thoough for you two down-under. Don't worry bout the prices of things and expences.... things get cheaper off the tourist trail, but the things to see are on the tourist trail??? It's a catch twenty two. Mind, you guys have time to take a few roads less traveled, thats when you start to get the real outback Aussie experience.
Anyways, travel well and well??..... travel!
All the best and all the rest....................... Steve and laura
Chris "ron Burgundy" Loveder
Right! Well seeing as no-one has bothered to post anything and i have absolutely no social life and.... Well.... You guys haven't bothered to post any blogs it looks like i have to take it upon myself to liven up this website. I have come home from work again and have no -one else to talk to so you will have put up with me. You're not posting enough blogs or pictures. As good as the ones on here are there aren't enough, There's no talking on your videos. I mean you need some more drama. I'm just not feeling it guys! Come on step it up a bit. A car chase or a stunt here and there wouldn't go a miss! Trust me if you take these tips on board people will be posting stuff on here endlessly. You can't lose
Chris 'the Best' Loveder
Hello. I'm not doing the g'day thing cuz.... Well.... it's just so damned predictable. Well i've just got home from work and i've put on some on metal on the stereo, slipped on the slouch and sat on the couch (i tell you one day they will pay me money to write quality slogans like that) and i thought "i know lets see what The big V and D are up to". And.... Well.... I don't believe you're having that good of a time! no wait! I don't want to believe you're having that good of a time cuz England is boring! You guys are so lucky! I think M.D. is missing you cuz he's actually picking his purple shirt on a regular basis in tribute to you. Keep the posts coming and the pictures.
hi guys! glad to see you're having such an amazing time, it looks fantastic! we're ok, my interview went well just waiting to here back now, mum and dad say thanks for the message, sorry they missed your call! i'm offf to watch a marathon of rugby matches down the pub, come on wales!!! take care x xx x x x
Mummy Meadows
Hello my loveliies!
How lovely it was to talk withyou and hear about your exciting adventures! Hope life down under is quieter than it is here at the moment.....it's Charlie's birthday party and I've got 20 teenagers wrecking the joint!!! Have just emailed 'Andy' to arrange a date!!! Next weekend was my suggestion! Will keep you posted! hope life is treating you well and you're enjoying the sunshine. Missing you both sooooooo much. Tons of love and heaps of kisses, Mumxxxxxxxxxx
Jane Colenso
Hi there - looks and sounds like you are having a great time - happy birthday Vickie - had a great time at the party - bet it all seems like a lifetime ago to you both now..... Katie Loader is here with me - eating all my chocolates - fat cow!! And she's ugly ha ha