Happy birthday danny!!!! you bought a van, looks very cool, nice work on the interior too! have a fantastic day, lots of love raw bannana! x x x x hi rob here looks like u guys r havin' loads a fun! i'm lookin' forward to watching a vid of u 2 surfing and or snowboarding up in the mountains, by the way i have got that surfboard u gave us up and running and have caught a couple o waves on him, v.fast cheers, take it easy guys robo.x.
Spizz Energie
A randy marsupial named Reeves Spent some time with the w****s 'tween their knees When they'd asked him for money He'd say "Listen honey A koala eats bushes and leaves."
Spizz Energie
There once was a man from Madrass Whose balls were made out of brass When he'd bang 'em together They'd play stormy weather And lightning would shoot out of his ass
Spizz Energie
Hey guy's.
just a quickie!! wishing you a very merry happy birthday Dan, we all hope that you've had a awesome day, thinking & missing you both heaps. Load's a love michelle, colin,patrick, lydia & kai xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Birthday To You! :D
Happy Birthday To You! :D
Happy Birthday To Danny! :D
Happy Birthday To You! :D
Have A Good Day And We'll Speak Later Hopefully!!
xx Hannah xx
Chris "i'm In Your Flat And You Can't Have It Back!" Loveder
Yes Jane is indeed correct. All is going well in the flat. Janes friend has indeed moved in with me and he's a very nice fellow (although we played quite a funny trick on Jane the other week).
So you guys are having a great time. I'm actually very jealous! You're meeting loads of people. Fabbo!
p.s. I heard that Radstock comment! Watch it you dingos! I maybe living in bath these days but i'm still a Radstockian at heart! M.D. said "stop it"
Jane Colenso
Hi there you two - just logged on and there you were - its Saturday 29th 7 ish and I'm on annual leave.......but not really....oliver has moved in with me - this house is getting smaller by the minute - I may wel lhave to move out AGAIN and ...... maybe Australia ......
Pumpkin picking not good for me though - withmy back! I think Chris is down here tonight - bloody cheeck I am the attraction when visiting Town... myself and Bridie went up to his place her supper the other night - Chris Edwards my mate has moved in with Chris Loveder... complicated - but its fun to have them both near enough to visit and Chris Ed is a fab cook!!....have to go work beckons but good to hear of you escapades. kisses - Jane x
Sam, Ni, Liz And Christine
hello sexy remember us!???? we all out on piss and thought of you... see everything good although rather av bed in a bedroom!!!!! lol. will keep looking at your latest antics..
hi to vicky, take care and enjoy your travels..
x x x x
Hi you guys,
It's great to be able to follow your adventures. Just watched the van video- fantastic. Mum and I have just eaten and are dirnking some wine ...... the hair of the dog !!!
Keep safe and continue to have a fab time lots and lots of love and hugs from us xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Anna Lewins
Hi you two, fantastic, a solar shower! the battery idea sounds fab too, how environmentally friendly, I am very impressed, keep up the good work. I am so jealous. What's next, a compost loo? A bucket with a hole in it and a hole through the bottom of the van should do, oh, and you will need wood shavings to keep the flies down, and willows growing around it to utilise the urine - sorry, got a bit carried away! can't wait for the next blog. By the way - our kitchen is being finished today, only waited a whole year, have to have a ceremonial at the dump with the 18 year old cooker - although crappy, it still works, sort of - perhaps I should put it out onto freecyle? Take care and carry on having a great time.
Chris 'jonathon Ross' Loveder
Well you know what i mean by the flight of the conchords don't you Danny? So there Jane!
You guys are like wheeler dealers and you're like modern day Macgyvers with your homemade beds and showers. I can't believe the kind of weather you guys must be having, it's rubbish here. It's like nearly 4 o clock and it's dismal as hell outside!
Anyway i can go into town in the evenings now so that cheers me up a bit. It's just a shame Jane's always there! HEE HEE!