One year with no football! How will they survive?
Hi everyone,
Since we last updated you, we have got up2 lots. We will tell you briefly so you don't get bored.
On the saturday we went to watch the Arsenal game in Nevada Smiths- when we walked in we expect it to be filled with english people, they looked english and were all wearing football shirts, but when they started talking we realised we were the only english people there. it was crazy hearing them sing arsenal songs in american accents, getting them slightly wrong but 10 points for effort. we meet up with one of henry's mates from an arsenal forum called stefan who was really nice. Didnt do much else that day.
On Sunday we went to Flora's mate's engagement party in Fire Island, which is about an hour away from Manhattan. When we got to Bay Shore by train we got a boat to the Island, the ride was beautiful and so was the Island, which had no cars. It reminded us of the film "Weekend at Bernie's" We spent most of the day at the beach drinking Corona's and chatting, then we went back to the house for a barbeque. Dubs got burnt but he is refusing to admit it- I took a pic for evidence tho- il put it up soon! (Actually, the sun came down and kissed me! its a fact! I dont get burnt!...Dubs)
Today we went to post some letters back to England, which was a mission, as over here you have to state EXACTLY what is inside your package. We then went to Coney Island, which was very tacky, but oozed character. The tube station there is very typical of an oldschool British train station, and the promenade has shades of Brighton. They have a hot dog competition in 318 days time, so I think I will be going down to try and beat the 6 times Champion who has the World record of eating 53 and a quarter hot dogs in 12 minutes! They had crazy attractions like "Shoot the Freak" with paintball guns. I heard Peter Crouch failed the audition, so I decided to keep my $5 firmly in my wallet!
In the evening we ventured into Little Italy for some very overpriced pasta, but the experience was worth it...everything was decked out in the tricolore.
On the way back we found a plush office chair on the street, so we picked it up and brought it back to Julian's flat so he can now edit his films in style! Cess christened it first!
We're going to Philadelphia tomorrow 4 a couple of days to stay with Dubs's mates Tony who he met in Madrid.
Hope ur all good, let us know how ur doing, take care
D and C
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