One year with no football! How will they survive?
Ok, we are finally out of England and now gracing New York with our charming personalities.
The flight was delayed by 2 hours, because after everyone had boarded, British Airways had to send a list of all the passengers to American Intelligence for them to give the flight the OK to go ahead! When we got to JFK 7 hours later, there was some power happy muppet woman who kept telling people to "step down" to go into queues at customs! there was this Indian family in front of Celia that the official literally INTERVIEWED for 45 minutes and probably used a whole ink pad to stamp their passports he did it so many times! They also have this thing at JFK now that takes photos of your iris and you have to give them fingerprints as well! talk about big brother watching you. When it got to my turn, the guy interrogated me as to whether I was really a British citizen! wot a joker.
Anyway, when we finally got to Manhattan, we were too tired to do anything, we just walked to chinatown with the intention to eat something, but we got way too tired and jetlag was taking over! so now we are about to go to bed, we will actually get up to exciting things tomorrow and inform you of them.
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