Dom aged 22
Beth aged 21
Left Hull @ 7am 11th Nov 2008 to fly from Manchester Airport
Destination: HONG KONG
Well, we' re finally here ! After a very very long day of travelling (took us about 23 hours in total) we arrived at our hotel which is situated on Nathan Road (see pic) We eventually found our hotel which is accessed through a shop! The very friendly owner welcomes us through a door, behind it was another corridor with several doors going off it. One of these was our room! It is about half the size of my bedroom, including the bathroom.... Which is literally a loo with a shower head above it, and a sink...which is handy cos you can poo and get showered at the same time, and probably brush your teeth as well (dom is in heaven, saves a lot of time!!!)
The room isnt as bad as it sounds, after getting over the shock, we realised its clean and probably will be luxury compared to some of the dives we may stay in ! We also realised that we wont even have time to be in our rooms as there is so much to do ! So its just a place to get our heads down
First night we got here (well we arrived at about 3pm and had a 2 hour nap!!!) we got showered and changed out of our 'travel' clothes and headed to Victoria Harbour (about a ten minute walk down the busy Nathan Road!)
The ferry was ready to leave so we had to rush! Yes we are ashamed to say we grabbed a quick cheeseburger at maccy d's (mum you will be proud!!) It was a scoff and go!
We sat on the deck of the ferry as it was a very warm night and snuggled on a bench to watch the lovely view.
And what an amazing view it was!! (See pics again, im sure you will agree-oh and there are videos too)
An hour later there was a light show -'Symphony of Lights' - which is in the Guinness World Records! It was a tiny bit cheesy but for some reason we loved it !!! Its strange seeing all the sky scrapers light up in a syncronised fashion hehe!
2 hours later....we headed to the Night Market on Temple Street! I loved it, full of silk scarves, jewellrey, paintings, clothes and a few tacky keyrings etc (the usual)
Dom practiced his haggling and managed to blag us a painting for 40 HK$ which is less than 4pounds and we got a plastic holder for it as well hehe well done dom (Doms dad will be proud, learnt from the best!) we picked up a few other little bargains too....
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