I nearly didn't make it out of Panama in the first place...Caught the right bus but the driver decided to take a detour and dropped me off in the motorway - nice! Got a taxi and finally found the correct bus to the took forever since the bus stopped every 5 meters to let on and of people. When we finally arrived it started to poor down like I've never seen before...I was soaked in 30 secounds but I found shelter with the policeguard outside the parkingspace... When I found my way into the airport, the lady at the counter said they were overbooked - nice again! Dragged myself through security while everyone was wondering i it rained outside...dah! I kind of voulenteered to stay in Panama for a few more hours and catch the evening flight since they were overbooked and I was the last person on the waiting list...So I sat down and waited for my transfer to the hotel... They started to board the plane and after 30 minutes a person asked me i I wanted to come on the plance but there was one problem; they sent back my luggage! Tripple nice!!! I said I would come if my luggage came as well so they started calling and I was the last person to board the plane!
Landed in Sao Paulo and it was freezing!!! Spent the next day strolling all the huge shopping malls, looking for a fleece! Had some amazing sushi as well!
From Sao Paulo I took the bus to a colonial town called Ouro Preto. I arrived dead early in the morning and by 8 am I had seen almost the whole town while looking or accomodation(with my backpack on!!). Usually I don't mind strolling around looking for a place to sleep but this was the hilliest town I've ever been to in my life!!! Spent the rest of the day strolling and the town was georgeous!! The sun was out all day and I bet I walked all the streets... From Ouro Preto I went into Belo Horizonte where I was so confused with this modernist city planning and I never found the famous chuch of Oscar Niemeyer, insted I found a gigantic shopping mall (got a taste of them by now apparently...) and so I went to see jack Sparrows again while I was waiting for my bus to Brasilia...
Yet another city early in the morning...This time Brasilia, the capital of Brazil which was created directly from the drawingboard of Oscar Niemeyer. A modernistic city, totally symmetrical, which lookes like an airplane from above! I had a look at a few of the monuments and the buildings in the city before I again went on the wrong bus and ended up in the suburbs of Brazil!!!! I need to stop doing that after dark...
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