Up at 5am to pouring rain and as left Sarah and Adams house, we were watched by 2 kangeroos from forest next door, i couldnt believe it, they were metres from us in the car, was unbelievable, keep thinking was it real! Anyway got my flight and stepped off the plane to beautiful sunshine, thankgoodness! Got to hostel, had bunk beds in room of 4 girls, went for walk into town to see what i recognised from 2 yrs ago. was gutted to see the lagoon where i spent many days sunbathing with my sister, was closed for refurbishments......couldnt believe it!! So went to pool in hostel to sunbathe that afternoon, met 2 american dudes and had dinner with them that night (you get free dinner with hostel) then went to the casino with them, i didnt spend, just watched them, what an education! Up early as hostels arent the quietest places and i got a bus on a 40 min journey North towards Port Dougals to a beach called Palm Cove, was gorgeous little village and cove! Sunbathed all day!!!! There was a scare in the water as swimmers spotted a fin, but it was just a dolphin so no drama!!! That evening i went for dinner with one of my roomys, a canadian girl, only 18!!! We also went to the night markets after dinner and i got a traditional aussie outback hat, such a sucker for a good sales man!!! Next day i had another new bud, this time from Ireland, join me on the beach....another lovely sunny day of sunbathing and swimming in the sea and learning each others life stories, made the day go soo much quicker!!! That evening a group of us from our room, (all 4 of us travelling alone) and others went for a wlak to the marina and then to dinner.......very civilised and socilable! The next day the numbers in my possy doubled as 3 people joined me to go to the beach, i had bought a frisbee that night so a day of fun was to be had.....however the wind did obstruct this slightly! Another great day! All out fro dinner together tonight and then for a few beveridges as it was ladies night in the restarant bar...with free champagne for an hour of the night, as i watched all these girls (not who i was with) down then drinks then get refills, i felt very old!! Been quite funny the reactions i get from people when they ask my age, all very shocked that im that old!! As you all know i dont act or look it and also been funny actually saying 27 out loud for the first times!!! Didnt do any trips in Cairns as did most 2 yrs ago with the fam and other things that i could do i can also do in new zealand but there wont be sun in new zealand so thought id just make the most of it!! Had a fantastic wk there tho and met some great peeps - back In Brisbane now with the sun again and hopefully off out on Adams boat tomorrow to try wakeboarding!! watch this space!
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