Sunday 1st February
Chilean Fjords
Yesterday morning we left the Pacific and sailed into one of the Chilean fjords. Although the air was cold it was a clear sunny day. We sailed through some rugged scenery to reach our first glacier. All the glaciers we are seeing are tidewater glaciers - they descend into the sea and the ice breaks off into icebergs. The picture shows the first glacier we saw - the Amalia Glacier. The ice at the edge of the glacier is blue as it is very dense. It was amazing to see. The Chilean pilot on board then said he could take us to another glacier just around the corner. So an hour later we arrived at a second glacier. I don't know the name of this glacier but it had some very deep blue ice -very beautiful. Captain decided to stop here for nearly two hours and we had a lovely view from our cabin balcony before dinner.
Today we have come to see our third glacier - the PIO XI Glacier. We arrived here before breakfast and stayed to view the glacier for almost two hours. Another amazing sight. There was quite a bit floating ice here - more than at the other glaciers. We are now cruising back through the fjord to get back to the Pacific and then will go north to our next port in Chile.
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