alright paps , its been a while
last time we conversed we'd just returned from whitsundays, we then made our way through gladstone to raindow beach to take part in the frasier island extravaganza . frasiers is the best thing since lao . the biggest sand island in the world . theres 5 4x4 full off 11 people in each . ours consisted of 6 germans , 3 german speaking swiss , and us 2 scots , comunication was hard . diarmaid got the honour of driving us on to the island and about the first day , god knows why they trusted him . we drove around the beaches then up a sand mountain to lake mckenzie . it was amazing up there , we had a few drinks and swam around for a while . however the real fun doesnt start till night . we arranged for all 5 vans to park next to each other , we cook dinner then hit the goon . it took the only 2 scottish to bring everyone together , all 55 , by bringing out some drinking games (racehourses) we had to bring in tom , an englishman , to translate (damn tom) cos no one can understand a word we say. the next day we set off again round the island , stopped at creek and sat there all day havin a laugh and a few more drinks , then that night more of the same , except the dingos tried to steal our food . we chased them away with big sticks . the last day we went to another lake , after an hour walk , wasnt worth it . it was hot and stinkin . diarmaid had the honours of driving us off the island , he did get stuck in the sand for a while , along with the other 5 vans , diarmaid however while gettin towed out from behind put the van into 1st and we couldnt move . he was the laughing stock of the after party . but we got out . cheers diarmaid . the after party we got everyone down the beach,again , stole a fire from the schoolies and had a quality party . frasier island was the best time wev had since lao again . highly recommended .
see u later bruno
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