Arrived in Malaysia and headed to JB where we had to get onto another bus and then head to Mersing which is where we caught the boat to Tioman islands. We stayed at Silang in the north and had dinner on the beach! Met some Danish guys and went for a few drinks with them after. Next day headed to the beach, which was lovely - did some snorkelling and saw lots of fish! That evening had King Fish for dinner which was actually very nice and also a traditional malaysian dish called Sayur Campur. Then went for a drink at this tiny bar overlooking the sea. Got an early night as was tired. That day we headed towards Kuantan and stayed in a rather questionable hostel!! Think they rent alot of their rooms out by the hour but all was ok. Anyway had a nice meal in a very traditional restaurant and next day headed to KL. This place was heaving! So hot and humid with car fumes! Stayed in China town and had a look around their markets, where everyone seemed to be selling T-shirts and watches! We then headed to Teman Negara for a jungle trek. We had to get long boats into the jungle and when we arrived at persona village we had to climb about 50 steps with our big backpacks on!! Was so funny! Had a night tour in the jungle which was a bit disappointing really! Just saw spiders and crickets really! Next day we did a canopy walk and then a rather hot jungle trek where kate and i ended up looking like wax works! Lots of sweating! In the afternoon we went to a village in the jungle, where they showed us around their houses, how they made fire, and even how to hunt for their dinner with this pea shooter thingy!! Obviously they dont fire peas out of it! We had a go and I shot the teddy in the wrist! We then went River Shooting, which is their version of white water rafting but involves long boats and no rapids! Just two boats splashing each other really! I could see these legs on the guy in front but thought I was seeing things. Soon found out that it was a massive spider crawling across his shoulder! He jumped up and started flicking it in our direction, which I was obviously not impressed about! I nearly jumped ship!! The guide saved the day in the end by grabbing it and throwing it into the river!! Was a close one! Was very tired that evening and got an early night. Next day headed to Perinthian islands and stayed on Kecil, the smaller of the two. That evening we went out for dinner but I felt so ill that had to go back to the room and then I spent most of the night with my head over the toilet cos I thought I was going to be sick! Had a very lazy days by the sea, which was stunning. Crystal clear water, white sand, and beautiful sunshine! What more could one want! After these islands we got on a number of local buses to take us to the border of thailand...
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