Well I am so glad you finally are working i was getting so jealous that I am slaving away and you are having so much fun.
The blogs are great I feel like I am down under with you. Good writing. (Your Grandad would be impressed) Have fun and on a lighter note DON'T WORK TO HARD.
Love ya and stay safe
Auntie Layne
Favourite Cousin
Hey... wow, sounds like a lot of drinking! Have you even seen any sights other than the inside of a bar! ha ha ha... just kidding. So, if this lady is your great great whatever on your mum's side, doesn't that mean I'm related to her too??? Thats pretty cool though that you have a place to stay. No more bunking it with boys in the hostels. Well, glad to hear everything is good.. now post more pictures damnit! ha ha.. later
Uncle Steve
Well Dee i read all the blogs checked out all your pics and even googled the great ocen road and im officially jealous LOL. it's great to hear your haveing a great time and meeting fun people thats what travelling is all about. funny story about the phone call to family but it sounds like it all worked out fine they will probably put on a good spread for their relative all the way from Canada. As soon as Kess seen what i was looking at she had to write a note. oh and it really is cold when your changeing a lock on a steal door but dont worry i wont put my tongue on it have fun and be safe
I miss you deanna . have a good time . i,m haveing my christmas concert on monday the 10th i wish you were there. Nanny is makeing me a white dress im going to be a snowflake.
Favourite Cousin
Ok. I spoke too soon... It just got stupid cold here!!! Too cold to even brave the ski hill.
Favourite Cousin
Hey Dea, Its nice to know your making friends with people NOT from Canada! Ha ha... kinda funny to go to the other side of the world and hang out with people from Edmonton. The opera sounds real interesting. You'd better get pictures. Things here are good. Not a whole lot of snow on marmot, but I've been up a few times. Its their earliest opening so I guess its kind of expected to be hitting roots and rocks on your way down the hill. No -30 here yet... -15 and -17, but thats it... Take care, and hope to hear from you again soon
Hey Deanna! Thanks so much for the updates. It is great to hear your stories and know that you are having a good time. It seems that we are in the middle of a cold snap. BRRRRR! Harley is just glad that we have some snow. He is hopeful that we will be able to do lots of snowmobiling. It will have to snow a lot more for that! Good luck with the job hunt. I will e-mail you more later.
Luv ya!
Aunt Viv
Hi Deanna! Wonderful pictures!! Looks like you are having a blast! Looks warm there!! Enjoy! It is soooo cold here.
Take care!! Aunt Viv
It is -30 with the wind chill is that cold enough for you!!
Aunty Layne
Hello Mini Me
Well when are you going to at least pretend you are looking for a job. You could at least pretend that you are looking for work. The photo's are lovely keep them coming have fun and stay safe
Favourite Cousin
Hey, I love the photos. You need to post more so that we have more to do on night shifts... I mean... we're so busy at work here!! :) Anyways, those photos are amazing!! I love the koala's! You have to go somewhere to pet them (don't do it in the wild they are scary) but seriously... they are so comfy soft and you just want to rub your face on their fur... that is until they scratch your eyes out! Anyways, back to work for me... talk to you soon Love Kristin
Dragon Niccy
i wonder if you were trying to post a message and really didn't know how to do math what you would do...
YAY!! ejoyed your pictures I even saved the one of the waterfall to my hardrive and will print it off later and frame it.. BTW send the cute edmontonian home will ya.. the apostle thingies were cool too. plus looking at all your warm pictues made me forget about edmontons dump of snow we got this morning well off I go to bed keep having a blast and post more piccys