This is a nice site guys! Should have checked it out earlier.
I also would like to express my respect for the work you guys do. And I (and Elske) really enjoy sign language class (Altough I've missed the last two, oops).
See you. Respect.
Mark G
Hey Steven,
Long time no hear and I'm sure you must be very relieved to see Joanna so she can be able to give you the developments from England in the past seven months! I went up to Nottingham last weekend to watch the game between Doncaster and St John Arsenal in the EDF Semi Final match, and St John Arsenal have won the game by three goals to one. I really thought St John Arsenal were the better team on the day as they showed plenty of their passion and desire to win the match while the players of Doncaster made a lots of silly fouls in their backyard in which St John took advantage of free kicks to put more pressure on the goalkeeper. Tom Bastock played really well on the day and Daniel Hogan did well to produce some great shots on the goal but his efforts ended up in vain.
Apart from the match in Nottingham, most of us went up to the city of Nottingham to attend Rebecca and Faye's Joint 21st Party and we all had a wonderful time! Rebecca dressed up as a nurse but she refused to give me a free NHS service and somehow out of the blue Bassim was given a private NHS service from her!! Well, next time on when I want something, I will MAKE SURE I will get it! Its only the matter of time for me to get things into my way! I have collected 55 pounds from everyone on the night to buy shots for Rebecca and Faye, and guess how many shots overall? 26!!! Thus Faye and Rebecca had 13 shots each, and somehow Rebecca managed to stay on sober after all! Poor old Faye as she gave up after eleven shots. I was apporached by a hearing lady in Nottingham and she said I looked so fit with my sandals on, so I am seriously thinking of wearing the sandals at Mary Hare for a year!
Anyway, I hope you and Joanna will have a lovely holiday break in Trindad and Guyana, and PLEASE PLEASE do let me know when is the exact date of you coming back to England so I will put up the banners at Gatwick Airport to welcome you home! Ha!
Take care for now - Markie xxx
Hey there,
Finally about time I am in Guyana, with Steven atm, there are so many things to do while I am here Now it is morning, which Steven will take me to places where he works etc So it will be very interesting, to see what the difference from England
We have been to Trinidad, which it is gorgeous island, I loved it over there, so many people are friendly, even they say hi, etc When I arrived Trinidad, it was lovely to see Steven, plus we have been catching up, so I gave him update what had happens in England, but I know it is not good enough as I told him mostly about football stuffs
Anyway back to the subject about Trinidad, our hotel is on the top of the hill, which it is lovely and gave us exercise to walk down to go into town, the weather had been gorgeous, we loved it We have been into town, which there are loads of sports shops, which Steven was happy about it So he bought swimming goggles, which he looks like a freak!! *hahaha* you can see it on the photos from this web-site We have been hiring a taxi to go explore around the island, to visit famous landmarks, as you can see it on the photos We have been to the beach, there are so many gorgeous lads, which make me drools over them *grins* We have visit the shopping mall, which it is way different from England, as it got less choice and it is small We have visit the zoo, it is small, and OK but I wasnt happy as the monkeys were very thin make me feel sorry for them, as I love monkeys But thats life!!
Oh yes, before I meet up with Steven, Guyana team was on the same flight as me, which they just came back from Melbourne as they have been play for Commonwealth Games It was good to see them, as they are not bad-looking *hee hee* :-D
Now I am in Guyana atm, which Steven will show me around visiting places like his work placement, etc So I am going to have a look at their night-life Steven is not a night person anymore, as he is a morning person, as he go to bed early, *lol*
Yesterday we have been to the world 3rd waterfall called Kaieteur Falls; it is lovely, which we had to walk through the forest We have included the photos on the web-site so you all can have a look at them
Now Steven is encouraging me to have breakfast, which atm, I dont feel like breakfast because it is too hot and the food is very different from English Realized that I do miss English food I dont want to come home yet as I am enjoying m stay here in Guyana, as there are so many different things to see, as it is very different from England which it is very interesting I am not looking forward to the day that I had to go back to England, as I dont want to leave Steven behind, as I can tell that he is missing England too much Bless him And another thing is that he is well, and he had lost weights
Thats enough for me to typed down as I have to do the emails to my family, because my mobile is not working in Guyana, only in Trinidad, which it is disappointed as I want to keep in touch with my mum
Hope everything are well in England, as I cant wait to get back home to hear all the news about St Johns against Doncaster, which I am disappointed about and Faye & Beckys 21st birthday party, and there are so many things that happens in England while I am in Guyana
Steven W
Hey buddies and families!
Thanks for the replies from Mum and Emlyn, It was good to hear what is happening back in England especially in Sheffield!! Yeah i am following Futsal results of Sheffy Deaf as i can see that the team is struggling but sight some improvements in recent result. I know how hard it is to play with only 5 players on the team and of course u are not fit AT all!! lol but keep it up and u will improve eventually.
Mum, I am glad that everything is great back home and I have emailed u about next week. Yes Joanna is coming to visit me for 2 weeks as will spend 5 days in Trinidad as it will be my well deserved break from Guyana as work is getting hectic and everything is not getting on right. so need to take break and get away for 2 weeks to rest my body and to refuel before i come back to work for 4 more months before going back home to England!
Sorry for not able to get the message on earlier as been out and around for while and I want to say that Tomorrow is the grand opening of New Deaf Youth Club at Diamond School. So it is aiming for the youth people to come together and play games. So we are looking fwd to participate in the activities. Now we will have lots of clubs to run as will have Drama Group and Sport club to set up within a month or two. lots of work to be done and i am already worn out!! lol
Hope everything is great back home and am missing u all.
hello steven mum here
just been looking at all your photos on your sight they are graet you and aston are doing a great job out there i am very proud of you. opening the deaf club must have been very fulling for you as you know how inportant it was for you as a child going to the deaf club with your deaf friends remember eddie. and for all the deaf adults a place to meet and have conversationss in sign language. everyone over here are doing fine no problems all the kids working hard at school and anna at uni, i cant beleive you have been out there nearly 8 months now you will be home in 20 weeks is joanna still coming over to you and would she like to meet up with meto collect things for you let me know i will go now lots and lots of love mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yo Stevie!
How's it going out there now? Hope life's not too hard, missing the british stuff, now it's been abt 7 months u've been out there, eh? In return to ur stories from ur postcards abt the new deaf club, the trip to bartica, i thought i'd update a bit abt whats been happening over here in UK, and ur beloved Sheffield! In fact there's nothing so exciting happening over here, we're all "terribly" busy with work (really we're all bumming around, but when an assignment deadline arrives, we all stress up saying "f***, i've got loads of work to do, wish i started ages ago, f***, what i've been doing all week last week, nothing, damn!") and had to cancel some brilliant weekends out by staying in all weekend working on d assignment, watch MOTD with a takeaway, a dvd,... u know the drill! apart from the stressful and boring weeks, we had some brilliant weekends - a mad houseparty in february that quite many ppl came, everyone well dressed up for the theme "round the world on saturday night!", it was a wild night, but we had to endure 5 hours cleaning up the house the next day after recovering from our hangovers! another one was for CJ party in Belfast last wkd, where we all made sure he wore a colourful dress and two little glowing earrings penis, plus a c*** whistles (all from Ann Summers!) that he had to wear all night in Shine! but he seemed to enjoy being a girl all night!
But hey man, i'd love to swap all this with u, i need a real break away from england, from uni, from my three daft boring housemates, and everything! i need a holiday!!! but aint got anything planned for a while...! but Germany World Cup, aaaahhhh, definitely will go cheer England up, celebrating with different fans in pub with great huge beautiful german beers, and maybe cause up some troubles :-) i bet u re trying to resist the temptation to f*** all and go to the World Cup :-)
Joey came visit us last week or so and said she'll visit u soon this month, is that right? so so so lucky of her, REEEAAALLLLYYY need that kind of break, and so so so miss S. America "atmosphere"!! it should be good for ya, to see a friendly british face after so long! should be nice, some female company :-)
I wonder if u ve been checking up our futsal league? we made a really bad start, losing every games we had in the first semester! but after xmas, somehow we gelled quite well together and made some impressive display, even though we only had 1 sub or sometime none, and to add to it, our awful fitness! we played the two top teams in the last two weeks and lost each by 7-6 and 10-9 (we were leading by 9-6, and the last four minutes we crumbled down to 10-9!!) Tomorrow night, we're playing 3rd placed, guess who's that? Doncaster!! we lost 6-5 last semester to them, but now we re confident to beat them! i guess u've been following with attentive the premiership, arent ya? Man Utd doing okay-ish, with Ruud Van Nisterlooy on d bench for a while, and superb beautiful wikked arsenal are back on form now, displaying a brilliant show at Fulham, Real Madrid and yesterday Liverpool! (i embarrassed Jemma in Varsity by screaming up and shaking her head when daft boy Gerrard made a back pass for Henry to score!!)
erm,....think i've said enough here and leave u go to work in peace! i hope u re well and enjoying it all out there. make the most of it seriously before u come back to UK, to boring same routine every day! (hope i aint making England sound so depressing! it isnt :-) )
Embles xxxxxxxx
PS: dont worry abt d website going quiet, it's just cos no one got interesting things happening in their life atm, everyone's "stressed up" with their own routine things. i must admit i even check ur webiste every once and then, to see if there's any new message or postcard! and then to Aman and Tom's website! show how boring our daily uni routine are, and how we re trying to avoid our work!!!!!! AAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!
Steven W
Hey everyone,
The message board has gone quiet again!! Thanks to everyone to replied and sending the parcels for the Deaf Club that it is valuable to us, but am sure that more of u out there have told me that u will pay some money toward to the club or sending out old game boards but havent done it yet!! come on and do it as it will bring much joy to the club! :D
We will have Deaf Club this afternoon and I am busy sorting out stuffs that i need to do for the Club and The theme is MASH as we had a MASH day on thursday which it is a huge carnival, similar to Notting Hill Carnival and I had great time during the day! :D So am linking it to the Deaf Club and everyone hopefully wear something colourful and food is served for the Deaf people. so it will be fun day i am sure! :D
Come on everyone and make a move to help us out for the Deaf Club! :D
Well done on your good work and to the success of the Deaf club! You've really made a difference, and that's something to be proud of! I couln't do it, I'd miss a cold bed and my pillow!
Am jealous that you're getting the beau sun wheras me, who is a sun worhsipper is getting typical unpredicatable Blighty weather!
Keep up the good work!
Love, Jods xxx
Hi Ashton, I'm your GP in Bradford, remember me? Well done and keep up the good work! Your mum sent me your web address -very interesting, i sent it to my son David - he went to Jamaica last summer working at a Deaf School (work camp/cultural exchange). Mike
Steven & Ashton - great to see what you've both been up too - very impressive !! Its very cold here in Wolverhampton - all chickens are frozen solid !! Camera frozen so cant send photo. Busy with work as always. Take care.
Well done Ashton and Steve. Wonderful pics, keep up the good work. The next 6 months will fly by, it will be great to see you (Ashton) again. The folks overhere in Bradford are proud of you too. Lots of Luv, Mummy!
Hey everyone! Hope you are doing well! I'm doing great here in Guyana as been busy with my planning of Deaf education workshop and other things! Next week will be 6 months staying here! I can't believe that I feel like I stayed here longer than that! Im so proud to tell you all that the grand opening of new Guyana Deaf Club was very successful. We gave our welcome speaks then we counted down to open a new cool club, Stevo cutted the red tape, one Deaf cheeky man rushed in as who first person would be gettin in a new club! Really great to see Deafies' happy faces! Signing away till 7pm from 4pm! There will be new Guyana Deaf club logo competition. I will send more postcards this weekend! Take care of yourselves! Ashton xXx