WE HAVE LANDED! Everything went great at the airports and our flight arrive 20 minutes early. After no sleep and some s***ty plane food, our bodies are already feeling the burden of our heavy packs and Ryan is in desparate need for a breakfast beer.
WE ARE TIRED! After landing in Frankfur t it really began to sink in that we were in a new country and had no f-ing idea what we were doing. I can't even count the number of stairs we went up and down just trying to figure out how to get into the main city....bus, train, taxi? After severe frustration, we finally figured out the key to our success....ask for help. We figured out how to use the machines to buy rail tickets and what train/platform we should be on. Once we made it onto the S8 train, it was smooth sailing as our couch surfing host provided us with excellent directions.
We got off the train in Ostendstasse, Frankfurt and walked about 10 steps to the closest bar we could find. Ryan ran to the bartender and I ran to the bathroom (yes, I pee a lot which apparently is not the best thing when travelling). The bartender's name was Monica and she spoke very little English. Still, we did our best and looked totally touristy with our guide book and phrase books out trying to have a conversation in German. After sharing two large beers at the pub, we went to a park across the street from our CS (couch surfing) destination, layed down our packs, and rested until Kris and Nat came home from work.
Kris and Nat are our first ever CS hosts and they are AMAZING. Kris is from Australia and a video game designer. He met Nat in Montreal at a CS (Nat is originally from Germany). Within 5 minutes of meeting Kris, he and Ryan were off to the corner store to buy some cold beers which we all shared in the park. Once Nat was home from work, we headed up their their apartment, showered, and got ready for dinner.
Now here is the kicker - Since Kris and Nat knew I was vegetarian, the scoped out one of the best vegetarian resturants in the city which is where we ate our first dinner. It was AMAZING! Great fresh food but still affordable. Even the meat eaters said it was one of the best resturants they had visited in the city. Ryan had a pita thing which was the house specialty, and I had a Banana, Corn, and Yogurt Salad. It sounded so strange that I had to try it. After such s***ty airport food, seeing fresh fruit and greens on my plate was heaven.
After dinner, we barely made it back to the apartment before falling asleep. We had been awake for over 24 hours and the plan for today (other than visiting the market downtown) is SLEEP.
- comments
Mom & Dad The first week is the hardest trying to figure things out......but then it becomes more relaxing and you will take a day at a time. It is great that your first CS destination has made this transition so good for you two. Now do you wish that you had rollers on that back pack :) Great to hear from mom and dad