The picture above is of Tulsa city centre.
Arrived in Oaklahoma city at 16.10 today after late start on our journey from Tulsa. The reason for this was that we had all 4 hub caps ( wheel trims ) stolen over night while parked at the hotel by some scrotes.However we managed to find 2 in the hotel grounds.So we were delayed because we had to notify the local police and get a crime no. and also inform national car rental.We would like pc trystan of the yard to start an investigation as soon as possible.Please be aware of any cheap volkswagon wheel trims on ebay.On the good side we are now in Oaklahoma city and have driven 100 miles approx on route 66 today.Sue navigated us into downtown Tulsa today god knows how we got there.We used Gordon to get out this went much more smoothly.Still no shopping done
- comments
Peter Oh dear, nothings safe. Good job they didn't go for the complete wheel otherwise it may have had to be the Harley after all!!Don't worry we hear Otter Nurseries are bring in a line of car spares soon, I'll get Mary to put a couple wheel trims back for you!!
Teresa & Kev OMG at least you still have all your wheels so you can keep on rolling!! Sue you must be slipping, no shopping yet? I think Teresa has made up for you in the last few days.
Matt I've just consulted a local dealer who has sold me a lovely pair of VW hub caps. They look very nice on my car. Had to pay in dollars for some reason. He said they had come via an unorthodox means so i didnt ask any questions. Hope your contents were ok, wouldn't want Suzie having to buy a new floppy hat!
linda We are just watching Road Wars, they are in Oklahoma. Apparently, there are a group of scrotes (one wearing a turquoise hat!!) stealing VW car parts!! Among the reports were missing hub caps, wing mirrors and exhaust pipes. Police believe the scrotes maybe trying to build a replica of the Jetta recently seen steaming down Route 66 !! lol!! Glad it's sorted. Safe travelling. xx