Last Day In Inverness
Had a stressful last few days. Though I am almost organised! At the weekend I went down to the Fort to see my mum and drop some boxes off! Though phoned my mate Scott Moan and we went out to watch the football which was disastrous as we ended up getting drunk so late that night when I got home I though it would be good to phone some friends abroad so apoligies Jules & Cheynah in New Zealand but lovely to speak to you!
Was strange not to be working on Monday by first day of unemployment but couldn't really sleep late which is just as well as soo much to do! Then headed back up the road and went to see another mate Ben Hadfield who gave me a career talk and guess he's right saying that I really should be finding a career rather than disappearing around the World, but too late now! Then in the evening I went to see my best friend Donna Reid and her child Joni Kate for a chinese which was really nice and a good chat!
Tuesday, this was when I was having major stress attacks, though went for lunch with another friend Donna MacLeod then my mate from work Richard came over to put up some lights. I have been in my flat for almost 2 years and haven't had lights up in my bedroom or the small bedroom I'm soo disorganised but well done Rich. In the evening I went for dinner with Richard & Julia from work. Had Italian very nice.
I've kinda realised that I really don't have many photos of my friends plenty of dull scenery, of my flat etc so will try and rectify that whilst away. Though, you guys are the people I really should have more off.
Off tomorrow and the doubts are seriously creeping in though my mum is coming up to make sure my flat is clean and to see me off which will be really hard, hopefully, I won't get too emotional or my mum as it'll set each other off!
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