Hey babe - u still around??? Haven't heard from ya for ages and ya haven't posted for ages so figure you're trips prob over now. Would love to make contact again.
Ciao for now,
WELL DONE on winning your travel voucher BC! Thats awsome! Love mini BC xx
hey dave, finally managed some time to have a wee look at your blog, sounds like your having a good trip.
take is easy.
Hi again,
Life has been hectic but I'm intending to change that again soon and cruise....
As I said I'm in Melbourne next week for the best part of a week so we'll have to catch up
See you very soon!
Hey you,Glad to hear you're still up to fun, fun, fun. I can't complain as I'm on school holidays at the moment which are a desperately needed break. Not that I'm doing much but sitting home in Takapuna - just near the beach as the sun streams in and beckons me to go out and play. Life's not bad eh? I'll be heading to Brisbane and Melbourne in July - you still going to be in Aus by then or will you have moved on?Be good and keep us all updatedFionna
Hi BF,
That's us back home in COLD Inverness - colder than Oz, NZ and Dubai anyway! Had a great 6 weeks holiday - it was good to see you and to catch up. Might even see you again in July/August - we're planning returning to NZ for some skiing!
Take care, Lv Dx
Hey buddy, hows tricks? sounds like you are having a great time, keep having fun. Things are good here lots of working and doing stuff on the house you will have to visit when you get back home.
Have a good one
Hi David,
Looks like you're having a fab time in Oz. We are certainly missing the nice weather. Gale force winds and flood warnings in Oxford at the minute.
Nothing exciting going on here anyway, oh, apart from I will be officially out of my twenties in a few weeks, so I am trying to come to terms with that! My dodgy/ weird tenants moved out of the Inverschneckie flat last weekend, so got to find new ones soonish - let me know if any of your mates are looking. Hoping to find some more normal folk this time!!
Give a koala a cuddle for me.
Shona x
Andy Mudie
Hi Dave,
Its me again hope you had a fab christmas and great new year!! and that you can still recall some of it**hic-hic**.
The team is faring better and i would hope the news of the caley jags beating the blue noses of the glasgow rangers had drifted over the seas to you .I lost my voice at that match i can tell you!!!(no offence to any rangers fan reading this not for whipping your a*** but for the nose bit).But after that we got stuffed by falkirk.saturday past we played st mirren and beat them 2-1 so we seem to be on a slightly better situation at present.
I had a fairly quiet new year no major hangover or anything.
Work is quiet at present as you would expect.
Pam will be leaving us in a couple of weeks to go back down south.
Right better go get the kids ready for bed and out of my hair (peace that will be right).Take it easy and will fill you in with things another day.cheers for now.
Allan Benson
Happy Christmas, hope your having a good one out there in Thailand, I'm well jealous!
Donna Macleod
David, you're some guy, you've got women everywhere! So glad you are having fun, it all sounds fantastic. Merry Christmas, it's 0140 hrs 25/12/6 here in frosty Dingwall, -5 at Tore, can't believe you were having doubts about going abroad! Have a good day, hope Santa found you in Oz xx
Andy Mudie
just dropping quick message to wish you a merry christmas.
I have more football news but it isnt very good were not winning dave.Liked the photo of you with th ak47 in the caley strip,might have a use for it soon ak47 that is.
Looks like your still having fab time very jealous of the heat as all it seems to do here at moment is rain!!
Today caley played dunfermline bottom of table and we only managed a draw.I only listened on radio but the commentators slated it as the worst game theyve seen eveR!!!
Right drop you a line again soon all the best