Well what an exciting few days we've had. We went to the Whitsundays a few days ago on our sailing ship 'Pegasus' and sailed around the islands of the Whitsundays. We got battered by the rain most of the time and the ship was rocking so bad that one side was always half in the water but it was such a fun trip. We didn't go snorkellng because of the stinger jelly fish which are deadly not even with a stinger suit on did we trust the water! but on the times it was sunny, we just chilled and sunbathed on the boat. The food was excellent and the crew were so funny. It made the 3 days and 2 nights such a cool trip. I slept in the cabin roasting my ass off and David slept on the deck. Where we stayed on the 2nd night, wild dolphins came right up to the boat and we fed the seagulls by hand aswell. We have seen some amazing sights.
We've just spent the last couple of nights on Magnetic Island. We stayed at a hostel right on the beach which was so beautiful. I will put the photos on as soon as I can get to a better computer! We went to a koala sanctuary yesterday where we learnt all about the animals and got to hold a crocodile, lizards, a lorokeet and a snake! You wait until you see the photos they are so funny.
We are nearly at the end of our east coast trip and has taken us a month to do it but feels like it has only been a couple of days. Hope you have enjoyed the photos. We are off to Cairns on Saturday where we will stay for about a week and then fly to Brisbane for another week before we head over to New Zealand.
We are staying in a place called Townsville tonight which is so pretty and we are staying in a lovely guesthouse it's like staying in a sweet little b&b where we have a lovely room to ourselves again.
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