We've had some funny moments this week. We are at Bondi beach which is the world famous beach outside of Sydney. I got hit by a surfboard in the water the other day but lucky enough my mate warned me so the damage wasn't too bad it just cut my leg a little. We were saying a few seconds earlier that we needed to watch out for the surfboards! Also, when we were in the sea yesterday, the siren went off for the shark sighting which was amazing. Lucky enough we were only in the shallows but there were helicoptors and lifeboats surrounding the area within seconds. If you google Bondi rescue, it is kind of a real life baywatch and you see shark sightings on it all the time and resues of course. There was a guy that was attacked here by a shark a few months earlier but it was in the deeper bit and there are always helicoptors searching the area so we are pretty safe.
We are hopefully leaving for our road trip up the east coast tomorrow if we can get tickets. We wanted to rent a car and do it ourselves but then we'd have to buy camping gear and everything else so proved too expensive. We are going on a bus called Oz Experience where you hop on and off where you like and includes a free surf lesson and a goat herding lesson in the outback - should be well funny. It's meant to show us the real Oz so we are really lookijng forward to it and keep hearing good things about it. We have managed to get a double bed in a room to oursleves for last night and tonight and is pure heaven. It's so nice not having to share with 6 other people who snore and who run around the place being pissed up (although that it is me also most nights - lol!)
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