Hello from Bondi beach! Well what fun we have had over the last few days! On Monday we went for a lovely captain cook cruise around Sydney harbour where we learnt all about the history and saw some lovely sights. In the evening we went to the Scubar where we went crab racing. Mine was number 15 called 'Trigger' and didn't even move - typical! There were great deals on jugs so we all got wasted and danced the night away. Yesterday we woke up with stinking hangovers but had to get up early to check out and move from the city to Bondi beach where we stayed in a lovely double room for the night with fan, fridge, sink and double bed - now this may seem really basic but we loved it as we have been on bunkbeds for about the last 6 weeks! Last night we went back into the city to celebrate St. Patricks day which was amazing. We went around several bars and then ended up in a pure Irish bar where there was an amazing real Irish band and got us jigging the night away. We also managed to all win or drink enough Guiness for the Guiness hats - what an amazing night. We had so much fun. We got up early again this morning to fnd out we had to change rooms as our lovely double room was already booked - we were gutted and are spending night back on bunkbeds - poo! We had a lovely day today sunbathing on the beach and having fun in the sea. In the afternoon we had a lovely long coastal walk where we found a couple of new beaches and had our dinner on the sundeck of our hostel watching the ocean - lovely!!! xxx
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