Well what have we been up to?
We arrived on Tuesday and spent the day walking around the city and around Hyde Park before we went back in the evening for a catnap and to do our washing - very boring!
On Wednesday we went to Bondi beach. We were a bit let down because for being such a world famous beach, it is quite a lot like Brighton although the sand was beautiful. It's just like a typical seaside town. David rescued a blow fish 3 times from the dreaded beach. The surf was very strong and the poor fella kept getting thrown back onto the beach. It started to rain and the wind was strong - again like a typical English seaside! so we watched the surfers (not getting eaten by sharks!) and then in the afternoon the sun came out and we laid on the beach again where David got sunburnt. In the evening we went to the cinema to watch The Watchmen which was really good and quite raunchy but it cost us about GBP8.50 each so was well expensive. We got soaked in the rain on the way home.
On Thursday we took a walk around the city, we did the whole tourist thing and went round the harbour bridge and the opera house and finished through the botanical gardens which were very beautiful. On the way back, we walked through Hyde Park where we watched a giant chess game and got talking to the local park tramps! In the evening we had a few beers in the bar and ended up playing silly drinking games again.
Yesterday we all had massive hangovers so mooched around the hostel all day but went out for drinks around the city in the evening. There was a very good atmosphere in town yesterday but the prices for the same jug of beer were quite dramatic, We went to the casino in the evening to play roulette and came out about 10 dollars down so only about 5 quid.
Today, it is really lovely and sunny and hot so we're going to hop on the bus and make our way to coogee beach where we will be for the rest of the day.
Peace out xxx
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