On saturday the 17/5/08 we arrived in Coffs Harbour at about 4pm after a train journey from Port Maquire (Jem will tell the hilarious story of me forgeting my bag!!!) where we were greated by my cousin Teresa and her family who very generously put us up for a few nights while we were staying and in return we brought her some marmite (Vegimite just isn't the same).
She treated us to a BBQ on our first night and chatted the night away reminsing and catching up as to what we were all upto! the next day we went down to the local market at the Quay were we were introduced to a number off weired looking fruit, veg!! They have one that tastes of bananas and custard!!! and there was a local kid playing Tribute and Nivana songs. We then walked along to the end of the headlands which was kackering but well worth it for the view. We were then introduced (and subsiquently addicted) to Gloria Jeans coffee who do the best coffee in the world and taken on a fishing trip at the Quay. No need for a licence just get some bait, line and hook and off you go. Off course as were in OZ we were not using bread like i use to down the local river but King Prawns. We started near the other fishermen and off course the race was on between me and Jem to see who could get the first fish of the day. I started well getting a few bites (Jem wasn't getting any) that i lost and I finally got a huge one so big it broke my rod! (sorry Teresa) luckally there was a spare in the car and so after a short time I was back in business however in the mean time Jem nicked my spot!!! and so I move up a bit and then Jem got the first fish (stolen I say) then with all the excitment the other fishermen were getting a bit peved and so we moved around the Quay to a secluded spot the otherside. We were sheltered against the wind and spent a good 3 hours fishing here untill the sun went down and we couldn't see. (the fish we were catching were Breem and they have spikes which flare up so itys abit dangerous discorging them). In all jem caught the most but we caught about 9 fish 8 which we could eat, but we put them all back. We then retired back to the house after having a great day.
Then next day Steven very kindly gave us a lift into town and after a quick stop at Gloria Jeans we stated to walk back towards the quay on a very nice scenic walk. It was a glorous day and we wanted to go down towards the beach. We had fish and chips by the quayside and walked around watching turtles play in the water. We then cooked a meal using local food (courgets are not courgets here but Zacunnis or something) to say thanks and afterwards we caught the overnight train back to sydney!
I would like to express my thanks to Teresa and family for their kindness and generosity during our say.
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