So this place was not called Dune Camp but I really can not remember the name of it :-(
We camped up for a Braai - what the Southern Africans call a BBQ in a lovely camp site with a bar, pool and all the trimmings - very happy.
And we headed off to another Canyon - this time we walked through the canyon - I felt like I was in the valley of the Kings it was a real experience. Early night as we had a 4am start which was a climb up one of the largest Dunes in Namibia for Sunrise. Although I have to say jumping into that pool after a 4 hour bus ride was very much deserved. Its very hot here - well into the late 30's, and all 4 of us are sunburnt, even Megans little red nose.
The walk up the Dune was Hell - seriously we can compare it to nothing else but hell - huge Sand mound - not my idea of fun at 5 am in the morning. However we all made it and the sunrise over the Nambib desert was spectacular. It glisaned off all of the surrounding dunes and turned the whole landscape red like a photograph. Absolutely stunning.
Decent was of course a lot easier - due to the fact we either ran, jumped or in dans case rolled down! We also got a vsit from a Jackel that night - Dan has some great photos.
Megan has found herself a partner in crime on the bus in the shape of an American girl called Meridith, and is enjoying herself (just not at 4am) Tidey creatures need sleep you know :-)
Upon decent we had a champagne Breakfast with pancakes and took half the deaert out of our pants! And if that couldn't get any harder we then went on a Bushman walk over the dunes to a valley called the Death planes - where the trees and landscape has been dead for thousands of years - engulfed by the dunes - incredible! The pictures (when we get then up) do not do it justice its simply erie but astounding.
The guy who took us on this tour was a native Bushman and he also showed us a Trapdoor Spiders nest, Beetles and how to survive in the desert - not in the shade apparently! Ha bet you didnt know that. So interesting though - was brilliant if not extremely HOT!
The desert was such a stunning place silent but deadly. With so much life you just do not realise it and so picturesque...
We had one last night in the middle of nowhere, on the way to Swakpmund. A Bush camp next to a huge stone slab - no light in site the moon and the stars were incredible. One of the party (a lady called May) went right into the desert to sleep - Crazy woman! The tent is enough for us... thats for sure, while Danny slept in the cave with Paul heehee. We Braaied again that night - Ribs which Tom and I cooked were of course outstanding!
Civilisation tomorrow and we are quite looking forward to a bed - even if it is a hostel.
Dave, Megan, Danny and Paul x
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