Hello uncle David. I love looking at your photos. I think I can work the computer better than mummy! Missing you lots, but glad you are having fun. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Dad Rob
Looks incredible. I knew I should have come with you! Oh well, the beach at Shaldon will have to do..........
Lovely to hear you Soph. Good luck with the camper search. Do they have e-bay?
Lots of love
Dad Rob xxx
Mum And Dad J
Fantastastic to hear all your news about Tasmania and the beautiful scenery and sunset. The kangaroo on the beach was really cute.
Have fun lots of love to you both
Mum&dad J
Just looked at your photos again and seen the photo of TOPO. Brilliant. Where will TOPO go next! we will wait to see the photos.
Great to speak to you yesterday even though it was 6:30 in the morn.
Dad Rob
Fantastic photos! Itchy feet here! Need some sun.
Lots of love
Dad xxx
No mention of a rather early start on the wrong day,then !!! Still it was good to hear from you. Happy flying.
Emma And Boys
hi you two.
everything looks fab. have a really good time, keep blogging so we know what fun adventures your having so we can be jealous. good luck with every thing, boys say hi!! stay safe and well,
em, d*** and boys. xx
Great idea
Hope travels going well - looking forward to seeing this blog updated asap when youre in the land of oz.
Looks a great trip so far - long may it be so
lots of love to you both
mum and dad J
sloppy kiss from mollie
Hi Dave and Soph
I love this blog!! Sorry didnt get to speak to you before you left the keys - video was excellent - have showed it to mum and dad and will make sure they know how to use this......
missing you lots
take care and have fun
mwah x
Dad Rob
Hi both,
Excellent blog! Hope the flights go(went!) well. I am unbelievably jealous.The accommodation arrangements sound really good and lucky for you. Hope the jobs are as easy to find!
Take care and keep blogging.
Lots of love
Dad xxx
Gemma S
Hi Soph!!
Long time no hear from! All looks great fun, Will you ever come back!!?? Not much going on here, cold, raining..typical England! Where will you be for Christmas?