Hi Missy and Dave, Just loved all the photo's they looked amazing what fantastic beaches, I so want to go. To say I'm jealous is an understatement. Lets hope Perth has some of the same. Only five weeks to go before I get to hug you. xxx
Bill And Barbara
Just looked at the Manly slideshow -it is great and brings back some magic memories. Expect you are getting packed ready for your travels now - living from a van will be great!? Well different. Speak to you soon did you have to end on the picture of the 3 gorillas!
LOL Bill and Barbara
Jen Rundle
Hi Soph and Dave
Wonderful to see you again. Alex telephoned me on Monday about work and to tell me he was now working for himself if we wanted any electrics done. I said I had not heard anything from you as you were not using this site and he told me you are now using Facebook then suddenly today you're back on this site!!! Really spooky!
Alex says you are having the time of your life and from the photos it certainly looks like it.
I am a Grandma again - Sophie had a little boy, Luke, on the 11th June, the father Carl is with her and I hope he will last a bit longer than the last one.
We are off to Thailand again for three weeks in November.
James and Gemma are buying a bungalow in Brantwood Drive!!!! It backs onto the Zoo Woods. Brantwood is the road below me.
Keep well and happy
All our love
jen and les xxxx
Claire Mc
Hey guys, glad you are sll sorted with place to live and jobs. Sounds like you are having far too much fun! We have sunshine at last in Bournemouth....hooray! (still cold though,x jumpers required) Emily and Beth send kisses, they loved the toys you sent and thankyou for the earings for my birthday. Have written a long spiel on facebook. Love you loads, Cxxxxx
Hi guys,
I totally forgot about this website! Just thought i'd pop in and say hi!!!!
I love reading all your posts, sounds like you're just trying to make us all very jealous.... It working!!!! Nothing much is going on here, apart from its been snowing a bit... England is in crisis, it seems no one knows what to do! Quite funny really!!
Anyway, I'm having the day off school today and i'm a really not feeling too good... Sniff, sniff!!!!
Hope you are all well,
Miss you LOTS!
Char and Adam xxxxxx
Jen Rundle
Happy Birthday Soph.
If my calculations are right it is already Wednesday with you!!!
Hope you have a wonderful day.
All our love
Jen & Les
Hi you two, I finally got the time to look at everything and what a time you are having. Was great to see and speak to you Sophie the other day and trust you're awake now lol! Keep having fun....Luv Irisx
Claire And Ashley
Oh I forgot. I have recommended you to Belinda and Matt on facebook. They are not far from you and you should meet them. You would all get on really well as you are the same age. Also Ash's dad lives in Byron Bay so if you go let us know, as you can stay with them. xxxxx
Claire And Ashley
Wow. Me and Ash are pig sick now. Its really got us thinking actually. So so much more to life than here, hur??!! You look like your having a fantastic time, what an experience and life long memories. The blue mountines are a must, its amazing!! Your welcome for the bridge climb, enjoy:-) Had a quiet Christmas, but it was lovely. Just think we was in Oz last year. We loved Manly too. Nice to hear from you both. Take care love Claire and Ashley xxxxx
Hi Soph and Dave,
Have only just worked out how to use this... love that, being a media student and all! Ha, anyhoo... Sounds like you guys are having an absolute blast... loving the updates on what you are both up to... so jealous of your christmas day and new year! Had a look through the photos 'Torquay', I don't think that quite beats our beach eh?!
I had a realitivily quite christmas and new year and was weird not playing pictionary at no. 31! Spent New Year in Plymouth, just a small gathering which was a big change from usual but good... now got that 12000 word dissertation to write... awful stuff! Pah... Everything is very much the same at home, very cold but sunny today! :)
Continue having much fun and keep up with with the updates!!
Hope to hear from you soon,
Much love, Katie xx
Dad Rob
Sounds fantastic. Have now purchased webcam so I will txt you when (if!) I manage to set it up.
Hope you find yourselves a comfortable beach hut..........
Lots of love
DadRob xxx
Dad J
Glad you enjoyed New Year - we (mum and I) had a good night with Lin, Graham and Grandma but probably quiet compared to yours. Look forward to seeing your photos of Sydney and Manly - the weather has been seriously cold here but we managed to get some good walks in in Kent including from Dover over the White Cliffs to St Margarets. Mums training for Snowdon has begun in earnest!!!!!!
Anyway keep enjoying yourselves - it is great to hear about all you are doing.