Happy New Years and a belated Merry Christmas. All is well here. The weather has been magnificent and is forecast to continue this way through the weekend. Well the countdown has begun here for the wedding. Guests have been arriving all week on the Chaney side, and our family starts arriving today. Tomorrow is the golfing outing, the pig roast at our house and of course Saturday is the wedding. We went to the resort last night to check out the lighting that Randy has put together on the pathways and many palm trees. It looks great.
Somehow we managed to miss your notification of the entry before this new one, so we had to get caught up on your travels. It is wonderful that we are able to share in it through this website. Continue to have a wonderful time and staysafe, we love you all!
Dan and Debbie
Jen & Les
Happy New Year to you both.
It sounds a wonderful life you are leading we are both really jealous.
It is freezing here today, we could do with some of your sunshine.
Enjoy yourselves.
Jen & Les xxx
Karen And Mum
Hiya - hope you are still catching those rays - its is seriously cold here now - as in eye watering seriously cold!! No snow though..... Had a lovely Christmas at Claires - the girls were adorable as always. love lots x x x x
Soph And Dave
Happy Christmas everyone, hope you are all being Merry! Dave and I are off to the beach for a surf, the weather is beautifully sunny, kind of strange but not going to complain. Love to all...x
I'm online now wishing you guys were awake and on skype so I could say hello. Merry Christmas - speak to you tomorrow mwah mwah mwah mwah xxxx
I am very jealous as I have just seen your photos. I must have missed alot when I was out there. Have a wonderful time and wish your both a happy christmas and new year.
Phone call from Avis very pleased with the photos she has recieved she wishes you both a happy christmas.
Dad Rob
Amazing piccies. I'm following you on the map although I couldn't find Torquay and I've never heard of those Apostle people. The van looks great. I can't wait for you to get to 90 mile beach, you should get a bit of it to yourselves! You may think it's cold there. It's FREEZING here.
Hope to see you on skype on Xmas day. Where do you hang your stockings in a campervan?
Happy driving.
Jen & Les
Great to see you are having a wonderful time. We have just got home from Thailand after being stuck there for an extra 8 days while Bangkok airport was closed by the government protestors. Luckily our tour company let us stay on an allinclusive basis and we didn't have to pay a penny not even for Les' alcohol, now that's the sort of deal you should be looking for Soph!! Take care.
Hi guiys
Fantastic photos - jealous and green dont even come close!! look forward to seeing the next set of photos
love you x
Debbie And Dan
By the way, the Gators won last night, we go to the National Championship Game which will be in January here in Miami - GO GATORS!
Debbie And Dan
INCREDIBLE! Takes my breath away, and I have seen mother nature at her best - you are so smart for doing this trip, I envy you. Keep us posted, we miss you here, all is well.
Dad J
Great looking at your slideshow of Tasmania and to see that you are looking after TOPO. The island looks fantastic but glad to see some clouds and wet stuff - I thought we were the only place getting it. Bought a webcam today so if I can get it to work will be able to try Skype. I will let you know how I get on. Love to all. Dad