Wow, awesome pics. We are so jealous, you are most definately 'living the dream' Miss you sooooooooooo much, can't wait to see you and catch up. Not long :-)) Take care guys. xxxxx
Hi Dave/Sophie hope you are both well and enjoying NZ.Have you been tarnished with their accent yet??.Looks like you're enjoying yourselves.North Beach seems so quiet without you around.I hope your stay was memorable and you visit me again .Good luck and god bless.Kind Regards John
xxxx(for Sopie sorry Dave)
Hi there Soph / Dave. Hope work is going well. Whereabouts are you in New Zealand now? How long will you be there and where are you planning to visit, locally and when you next go walkabout?
Dad Rob
Good piccies. All looks a bit like Dartmoor which is 15 minutes from me!
Is that the rope bridge they use in I'm a celebrity.....?
When I'm out there, can we do the same trip please, or is it a long way away?!
Hope going back to work is not too much of a shock.
See you in a couple of months.
Lots of love
Dad xxx
Hey you guys look like you were having a wonderful time, can tell that the sister's were together with all the poses, "that's my girls" Con must be rubbing off on you with all the David Bailey shots..... keep them coming you got some awesome photo's. big hugs xxxx
It was a pleasure having you two and Jo here for 4 weeks. A special thanks to Dave for all his help preparing and clearing up from my Black & Bling Birthday Bash. You both certainly made an impression with 5 year old Leo - still asking for you (I think he is in love with Sophia!!!!) Hope you enjoy Melbourne cup and have a win. Take care both of you - x
Gordon Ramsay - Alias Dadrob
Fantastic amazing photos - best yet. Nice bit of humour in your monotonous blog! I think I better pop in there on my way home from seeing you.
OK its 9 months since I left a message. I'm sorry.
keep safe.
Love you.
Dad xxx
Mum And Dad
The pictures are amazing what a fabulous adventure. I love just having the photos on slide show and watching them again and again. I dont know which story I was more worried about the snake or you two on steep rock faces. Just rememeber us Mums would like you home in one piece.
Hey you two I am in awe of what you've seen and done across Australia and of course insanely jealous well, maybe not the next adventure of sleeping underground yuk all those creepy crawlies agh! and your blogs are so informative, they are fantastic. Continue to keep safe and lots of love, Irisx
WOW WOW WOW....... Truly amazing photo's. Excellent blog as well, I thought I was actually on the road with you..... well in my dreams!!!.
Have to ask about the last comment..... surely you weren't done for speedy in dear old Froanne????????????
Great photo's but still no videos!!!! Loved the one of Sophie jumping of the rock and was that your friendly snake in the grass? Have you got my emails as I haven't heard from you for 5 days. No probs though as you posted this yesterday. Are you on your way back to Melbourne now?
Soph And Dave
Hey Guys, Thankyou for the messages they are much appreciated. All the videos and pictures should be up on the site now, believe it or not we struggled to find good internet connections when we were traveling through the outback. Hope you enjoy. Red Centre blog coming next....