Getting ready to leave my favourite place of the trip so far. Sukhothai is amazing. Split into two parts, (new Sukhothai and old Sukhothai) makes it easy to explore. On our first day here we took advantage of the free bike rental at our resort and explored the new section of the city. Nearly got myself a tidy new watch for 1,000 Baat (about twenty quid) but just can't bring myself to shop this early into the trip!
Today we went for a change of pace and visited the old section of the city. 14km away from our resort, old Sukhothai is the most beautiful place we have been to so far. In what is basically a small national park, ruined temples and monuments hide amongst the trees and ponds. We took a bike to get round as many as we could but after 2hours of bike riding, and drenched in sweat - we gave up.
One more nite here and then we are off to chiang mai, and three days of trekking into the jungle. Ahhhhhhh yeh! Unfortunatly it's another five hour bus ride to get there.
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