Finally thanks to people for your messages great to hear from you all, wish you could be seeing the things I am you would possibly burst with thankfulness like I am, I am soooo lucky to be doing this.
Oh yeah and thanks mum for pointing out a 'private parts' toilet is a 'bidet'. Unfortunately I don't have access to a dictionary or a thesaurus whilst back packing around poorer parts of Asia, so you will have to bare with me on my 'small' amount of vocabulary in these blogs (mother) lol XXX PS hope your first week at work went 'FANTASTIC" ha ha
We started our trip with Intrepid it's called the Bali Adventure...More like 'Cram it all in in a week!!!'
Journal Day one of trip:
On Saturday we arrived at Artini Cottages 2 in Ubud...Oh my was bliss, try look at it online...we had flowers scattered up our stairs up to put room, then there were fowers all over our double delux beds, with an ensuite was like Elaine and I were on our honeymoon.
I went to the pool that day, to finally meet and speak to English people from Exeter, Sam and Simon, both nurses, a great laugh, should be a married couple but not just genuienly best mates and housemates. Had a great converstaion with them it felt so nice as all week I had had to repeat myself and cut out my sarcasm (which is half my personality), because of the language barriers and easily offended cultures...that sounds racists but I don't mean it like that!!
Journal Day two Sunday: Bali, Ubud.
What a relaxing day going White Water Rafting down River Ayung. We had to climb down 375 steps down to the bottom of the jungle whwere the river is, we then sailed gentally down the river, where we tackled semi-dangerous water. I shared a raft with Rolland and Lesley and 'retired' Aussie couple, (they are fuitter than half of the group) What a scream we had, everytime we hit a rapid them two flew backwards from the fron of the raft on to me in the back, this was hiliarious the first time because they couldn't move for laughing so much. Apparently, Alex, Sam and Si, all from England, saw me leaping around the boat in hysterics like a monkey screaming with laughter they couldn't move because they were all laughing at our unfortunate raft mishap...What they didn't know was i was trying (in my head) to move the weight in the raft to s*** us off the rocks, but obviously like most things I do, it just looked like I was pratting around. After two hours of rowing and sometimes drifting down the river, and also avoiding locals who were passing through the river by foot to get home, like you do, we arrived at our destination where wee had to climb 200 stairs which each step was the height of me, but the views at the top were well worth it!!! hard work but lots of fun...this wa the day I bonded with my new friends... Roll and Lesley have even invited me and Lainey to stay with them in Oz, they live in Coff's Harbour I think they said!!! POSH! But they are great seregate parents on this trip.
That evening we watched the traditional Monkey Dance which earlier in the week, I had thought was an actual dance performed by monkeys...I blatanly embarrassed myself once again in front of several foreigners who already thought the English were thick!!! lol
Journal Day three, Monday:
What a geat monkey madness day, can't wait for you to see the pictures...We cycled for about 10 miles..I was like Rambo (wait til later) after all my boxing training and as Lainey was ill, I had to set the standard, I didn't realise how fit and strong I had become until this trip ROAR...We then went to a monkey temple where about 600 monkeys lived in an outdoor palace! Now I know I definatley have ADHD after this trip as when the tour guide Andy (who looks like Richard O'Brien) was explaining not to take nuts from the tour guides who get the monkeys to sit on you for a picture so they can charge you for the photo.Of course I was in Danielle's dreamland. So when we were in the middle of the monkey kingdom a dodgey tour guide put a nut in my hand and yes you guessed it, a huge monkey male jumped on my back, and at that exact moment I was in the middle of swallowing, and then evrerything went into slow motion and with the shock of a hairy, scratchy fingered, well endowed, male monkey, sitting on my shoulder, when I turned to look at it (and yes at the same time my mouth was open), spit flew out of my mouth like Sylvester Stallon in Rambo, as about 20 people were watching a 5'1'' woman's shoulder abused by a hungry monkey who grabbed the nut and jumped off as I crouched down, then everything went back to normal pace. What an experience from then on I had two gentle monkeys sit on me at the same time, and one random monkey came and held my hand and stroked me, I defientely felt at home with my monkey relations.
We then moved onto a place called Sideman, which was a beautiful village with fantastic people. I went for a stroll to the pebble river which was 20 minutes from our hotel, Elaine was still ill and everyone was knackered from the cycle but I was eager to see this village. As I walked down the steep hill, there were 5 smartly dressed Balinese boys aged between 10 and 12 years old. One of them said 'What is your name?' but thats all the english he knew. Alot of the kids over here are taught to say 'Hello tourist' so I was intrigued to speak with these young boys...I used my TEFL skills it was great, they escorted me to the river, and we had made big conversation through gestures, I loved it...I found apart of me here, it's really got me thninking about teaching English over here, whilst possibly studying Indonesian!!! I know, thats how much fun I am having here!!!
Elaine is ready to go to Australia, which I am looking forward to but will miss this place!!!
Journal Day Four, Tuesday:
Tuesday was boring we walked around rice paddocks, woohoo, and went to a factory (sweat shop more like!!!) We had a fun group meal in the evening. There are 12 of us on this trip Elaine and I, Alexis Lawyer from Leeds, Sam and Si nurses ffrom Exeter, Roll and Lesley retired couple from Australia, Mel and Pete hippy Aussies, three 28 year olds who met whilst travelling in 2007, Jo, Laura both English and pedantic American Penny!
The discussions we have had over the past week have been fun and enlightening, I love listening to peoples life experiences whether they are old or young. We got onto different senses of humor which divided the english fromt he aussies as Penny said "the germans are kooky" to which Simon replied "yeah real kooky as kooky as the 1st and 2nd world wars" well unfortunatley only the english found this hilirious and the aussies just looked at us with worried looks and soon after left the table to go to bed!!! Was very funny hahah
Journal Day Five, Wednesday:
We woke up at 2.30am to climb Mt Batur which is 1000m high it took us 5 hours to walk up and down it. The sunrise was amazing especially when my monkey friends appeared. It was so funny a dog chased a monkey and nearly fell over the edge!!! I know, i'm sick, the dog will think twice next time. After our grewling hike, we went to some beautiful hot springs that looked over the mountains it was so worth it, just to fell like a hollywood star.
We then drove for about 3 hours to Banyupoh a weird muslim village!!! Scary! But amazing views of Lombok's Mt Rinjani it's huge. Pete got car sick and was sick out of the window several times and nearly hit a a poor motorcyclist...The motorcyclists drive crazy over here by the way if i haven't mentioned this already!!!
Journal Day Six, Thursday:
Elaine finally felt better to join in. This day was the most chilled it was great we went to a private island where we snorkelled around a coral reef, there were huge schools of fish, fantastic mediterrainian colours, not as tropical looking as caribbena fish though but the best reef i've been to.
Journal Day Seven, Friday:
Finally had a sleep in woohoo... 8.30am haha I have been to Lovina and bartered my way into getting a syrong and white tp for 3 pounds hahha loveit. Just trying to upload my photos so far and then I will put captions/descriptions on next week. But it is the end of Ramadam next week so might be Australia next time on internet. Going swimming in Muduk waterfall today can't wait, this is one of my 100 things to do before I die haha.
Anyway I will be in touch soon hope everyone is well and just so you know I am very happy and having a fantastic time and if anything was to happen to me I don't want to be crimated ha ha I'm so sick haha mum and dad don't worry that isn't a secret code for I'm in trouble haha I just need to get my sarcastic remarks out somehow!!!! love you all and miss you all and please let me know what you've been up to, remember I have my phone on me if you fancy a text update XXXXXX
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