Hello from Kuta in Bali...
We are having an amazing time and we haven't stopped laughing since we arrived here.
It's sooooooo cheap, for example it's 3 pounds per night for our own private room with a bathroom and TV, we spent 5 pounds on a meal and wine last night! Crazy... We stayed in a place called Sanur, which was quiet and full of older couples, but very relaxing which is what we needed after all our traveling.
On Monday night Elaine and I tackled our first Cockroach, errrrr it took us 30 minutes to catch it (they are so fast). This was our first bonding session ha ha we then flushed it down the toilet. We were screaming that much the next door neighbours came to see if we were ok ha ha.
Tuesday we decided to come to Kuta which is a bit like Kavos/Turkey!!! But we have met some many cool people, that we have decided to stay until Saturday! The beaches are great, the waves are great fun, and the sunsets are amazing.We haven't tried surfing yet as everyone is so good we would look ridiculous!
The locals are very friendly but also very annoying, I am so sick of saying "NO THANK YOU"...We constantly get hounded on the beach with people selling things like, massages, pedicures (one lady said you've got dirty feet to Elaine ha ha that was her selling pitch!)
We have met some wicked people that are giving us great advice about places to go in Australia and Thailand etc, It's great being in one place with some many other nationalities, especially the really interesting ones who have been all over, I feel so inexperienced in life compared to these guys!
We keep going to this club called Bounty, and the time flies so fast before we know it's 6am! We dance so much we will be size 0 when we come back hahah...
We met Will (Gypsy's boyfrind from years ago) from Home and Away last night he looks like Coco the clown ha ha, the Aussie's have made hairstyles!
The poverty is awful here when we come out of the clubs at 6am there are at least 20 kids aged between 4 years old to 12 years old trying to sell bracelets to people...their parents are no where to be seen...It really upsets me but this is their way of life...Their parents obviously think us westerners will feel sorry for the kids and buy things off the kids in sympathy! But we have been told no to as it just encourages them to keep selling them!
There are alot of prostitutes here as well! But they are very nice! This place is really opening my eyes up to a whole new world ha ha that sounded like I was going to become a prostitute, not at all. We spoke to this gentleman from Belgium and he was the one who said don't buy from the kids as the government don't want us encouarging the kids to sell things instead of them going to school, which made sense but I said if I buy a bracelt from one of them then they get to go home to bed (as the kids aren't aloud to go home until they have sold a few bracelets). Anyway later that evening he bought a prostitute, which obviously encourages the woman to keep selling themselves instead of getting a real job, which completely contradicted his arguement, does that make sense I hope so.
Anyway we are going on our 8 day trip Saturday which we are really excited about everyone says we are going to have a blast. So I will update you on that and hopefully be able to upload some photo's.
PS My bartering tactic's are very useful out here, otherwise we would have spent a fortune.
Keep in touch and so will I XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Missing speaking to you all X
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