Our last entry, seems our trip passed much too quickly. Back to the starting point already!
We've been lucky to have 35 days of incredible people, amazing places and (we must never forget to mention it) wonderful weather. Overall a truly perfect mix that made for an unforgettable experience.
I guess it's back to Canada now, with our pockets feeling emptier and our spirits high. Maybe we'll find time for a little scheming on the way home. Where to next?? India? Africa? Too hard to decide!
Remember to keep checking our site in the next while since we'll finally get a chance to post our last pictures.
As always much love, and see you all soon!
luv t xoxo
***Devon's message down... down..... down...okay, just one line***
Forward into the night, into the rain, into the sky...Full circle, Frankfurt-bound once again.
The rains have come upon our heels, but it is safe to say that nothing is chasing us off. The sky was a curtained blue for our final farewell from here, and all has been well.
Homeward journey this time, yet still onward, by separate ways. And so, the words of old wisened R. Tagore, with wispy beard, still rest so fitting.
"Now the day has dawned
and the lamp that lit my dark corner is out.
A summons has come and I am ready for my journey."
Well, well, well. To all who have read with such patience the antics of wandering minds...a thousand thanks, until we see thee again, oh so soon.
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