Finally in Istanbul. After a few zombie hours and a nice long nap, we recovered enough to get out and see the city. Busy, busy, busy, was my first impression.
Yesterday, was our first real venture to the sights. Started the day at the Topkapi Palace, previous home of the Turkish sultan's. 85 carrat jewel encrusted throne anyone?? The wealth was pretty unbelievable.
Took a little break from the scorching afternoon sun and did some shopping, only to discover our meager funds are perhaps not sufficient as the city is surprisingly expensive. The shopkeepers however kept us in good humour with their antics,"Hello! Yes, Please!". Wait...aren't İ supposed to say "yes, please"??
A few more days left before we go. Hoping to catch the ferry to the Asian side of İstanbul today. Guess we'll see where we end up!
Ciao! see you all soon!
Much love,
Tamra xoxox
Ran into a few more interesting shopkeepers over the last two days. One odd proposal ended in Devon being asked how many camels he would take in exchange for me. Not for sale thank you very much! Our most hilarious moment however occured when we were asked where we were from. "Why are you not black?" was the reply to our answer. We exchanged confused Ah, apparently he thought we said Kenya. With an amused laugh we quickly departed.
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