It was great to follow you guys in the map with the posts and the pictures. I enjoyed very much reading them. We were very close at different times. Not on the right moment thought. Now I am in Moscow. Here until mid August and then to Spain for two weeks to make it to Vancouver the 30th. Hope to see you there Devon. Enjoy the last moment of the journey. Soon,
Dj The Great!
Hi Dev and Tbird! got your message - already in istanbul, time sure flies, probably just the right amount of time away, then on to the real world heh? We are trying to sell the van, but even if we do, we will then pay up grandma for her camper, which u could use wherever u go. So, one way or another u will be able to stay dry. Sounds like u have a good plan, i;'m sure something will work out, still plenty of work i believe in the big city, though the smaller towns are starting to feel the pain of the world economy. Shell and I will be down to pick u up on the 11th. sure looking forward to having u home, even if only for a day or 2. Trying to figure out when I can come see u T, mom's going to have a chance i'm sure, talk to u soon. luv dad.
thanks for the new pics. tonight dad and i finally went to see windy canyon. it is pretty impressive. considering that it is 5 minutes from town it is amazing we had never checked it out, we also went up to kane valley and to check out the flowers. there was a huge field that was solid yellow with arnica. the black orchids are just getting ready to bloom so we are going to try to get back up there when they do. they are in my favourite colour so i would like to see them in there full glory. i am taking a computer class tomorrow. i'll probably get lost in the first 5 minutes. lost and confused over and over again. much luv. mom
Tolko's Driving Me %#$@$$# Crazy!
Hey u two gypsies! dev, i sent the signed copy of the acceptance to UBC, and phoned them too. NOT really sure if they said its aok or not, i think there is some kind of plant in vancouver affecting the electrical waves. So u will want to follow up with emails if u are able. I can send the form with the 2 selections of location as soon as u tell me. going to rick's this w/e to play golf after trying to fix an electrical problem on grandma's camper. I do believe mosquito season is upon us, any nasty biting things over there? besides each other. luv dad.
D And T
Hello D and T from D and T (or is that T&D and T&D or....)
Vicarious - that's me, watching you traveling and having fun. Thank you - it's kind of like watching friendly planet but without you getting paid for travel and without all the talking and talking. blog is great, photos even better.
I read the messages and everyone is talking about the weather so I thought I would talk about the whether. Apparently working at home may not be the wisest option for me...
Take lots of photos, take care and keep blogging for the rest of us growing roots in Kamloops - or as Troy says, We are out standing in our fields. Love Dan and Troy
devon did you get my email re the ubc info??
luv mom
I am a message board here it goes. I got a little behind on your trip.. i was still waiting for the email updates like I am used to with devon,but your mom got me back on track.(I know.. yikes!) i love reading about your trip it all sounds so exciting and very cool. so what is with the math problem as soon as i open this box? you are probably not aware of my math anxiety, will this get to you if i don't answer the question? Am i not supposed to use punctuation and capitalization on these sorts of sites? Clearly, i have been living too long in my bungalow without enough intelligent outside contact. Did I tell you we set Chester's pool up yesterday and spent the day performing cannon balls in the wading pool until it was supper time. Alexandra and I spent a small part of the morning at her soccer game. she played for five minutes, then decided she was TOO TIRED to continue but proceeded to chase a moth for ten minutes (i am not exaggerating) all around the field, up and down the bank, at the middle school. I took her home once i caught her. Greg is coaching Isabel's team, which also provides for some entertainment. He has a strong team, only two Isabels. I think she will enjoy those individual sports as she grows up, but it is nice to have the team sport experience, even if you are not part of the team......hello isabel......ball is over here honey!!! well, I am rambling I don't want the whole world to know I am nuts! take care Have fun and be safe (sounds like it must be close to report card time!)
just checked out the blog at troys very intresting. enjoy the rest of your tour.
hi devon and tamra (I understand now why you took the name "tamra" for the dictation...unconsciously, you were missing your sister!)
I've seen your photos: you've already visited so many places!!you must be really tired....and we can see the effects of "sleep deprivation"!!
ok, I hope your trip will be as good as it seems to be now
take care, ciao!!
hi you two, we spent the long wkend at the cabin. saturday was beautiful, really the first nice day. mel, wilda and grandma came. we had lots of fun on sat. morning hitting garage sales. we got the boat in and dad did numerous jobs as usual. when we got back the stereo and lawn mower were gone so assume brad got in okay. i hope you two are feeling better. love your messages. much luv luv mom
Hi you 2! Thanks for the update from LVIV, sounds like an interesting first few days with no language. Keep clicking with that camera, alot of fun for us too! Really hot here today, going to be the best may long weekend in years. Working on getting automatic sprinklers in our yard. T, i think reuben is eating so many birds etc. his guts are roiled, he keeps chucking everywhere, yuchhhhh! Think i'll send him with brad! rats. Trying to sell the van, no bites yet. love dad.
Sounds like you guys are having a good time, i'm looking forwards to hear how that hand gesturing worked out. I'm prety excited for the long weekend, all packed up and ready to go, and i'm just wondering if you wanted to have your bike in edmonton, i'm going to bring mine back i think. oh and i would avoid that sour milk.